
Strategic Events and Festivals Eligibility

In order to be able to apply, you must demonstrate that your organisation:

  • is a not for profit distribution organisation;
  • is properly constituted;
  • has a bank account in the name of the organisation;
  • has provided evidence of affordability and, where appropriate, match funding;
  • is open and accessible to the community that it serves; and,
  • demonstrates it is an inclusive organisation that will involve local people.

If you are sub-contracting the event management to a third party company, you must demonstrate that you have an up to date contract, and a copy of the terms and conditions will be required in support of your application. 

Ineligible Submissions

  • Only fully completed applications submitted with all supporting up-to-date documentation will be considered: Where an applicant cannot, or does not, provide all required information including up-to-date supporting documentation, their application will be considered ineligible and will not progress to assessment stage.
  • Debts to the council: Applicants will be asked to declare that there are no outstanding debts to the council, beyond usual terms, in relation to their organisation. Where a debt is held, the organisation will not be eligible to apply for a grant, however if you provide a justifiable reason for this we may be able to consider your application.
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