
Blue Badge Eligibility

Applicants over the age of two can get a badge;

  • if they meet one of the automatic qualifying criteria or
  • have a successful independent mobility assessment carried out or
  • they have a disability in both upper limbs or
  • diagnosed mental disorder or cognitive impairment

A child under the age of three with specific medical conditions may also qualify.

For more information on eligibility read Can I get a Blue Badge booklet?

What qualifies as Automatic Criteria?

You are automatically eligible for a badge if you meet one of the following criteria:

  • you receive the Higher Rate of the Mobility Component of the Disability Living Allowance
  • you meet a ‘Moving Around’ descriptor for the Mobility Component of the Personal Independence Payment (PIP) that indicates that you either cannot stand or can stand but walk no more than 50 metres (8 points or more)
  • you meet the 'Planning and Following Journeys' descriptor for the Mobility Component of Personal Independence Payment (PIP) that indicates that you can't follow the route of a familiar journey without another person, an assistance dog or an orientation aid (12 points)
  • You were in receipt of a fixed term award of the Higher Rate of the Mobility Component of Disability Living Allowance immediately before being assessed for Personal Independence Payment (PIP). You did not receive the Mobility Component of PIP at 8 points or more for the ‘Moving Around’ activity or 12 points for the ‘Planning and Following Journeys’ activity and you have requested a mandatory reconsideration of that decision with the Department for Work and Pensions within the last year
  • you were in receipt of a lifetime or indefinite award of the Higher Rate of the Mobility Component of Disability Living Allowance immediately before being assessed for Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
  • you are Severely Sight Impaired (blind)
  • you receive a War Pensioners’ Mobility Supplement
  • you have received a lump sum benefit within tariffs 1 to 8 of the Armed Forces and Reserve Forces (Compensation) Scheme and have been certified as having a permanent and substantial difficulty which causes inability to walk or very considerable difficulty in walking. 

If I don’t automatically meet the criteria for a Blue Badge, can I still get a blue badge?

The rules since 1st September 2012 are that if you don't fall under one of the automatic eligibility criteria, you must have an independent mobility assessment carried out using the information provided on the application form.  Some applicants may be invited for a face to face assessment.  This will be held at your local hospital and you will be issued with an appointment to attend if required.

New applications - All first time applications that don't meet the automatic criteria must have an assessment carried out

Re-Applications - If you have previously been issued a badge since 1 September 2012, you may already have had an assessment. The independent blue badge assessor can decide that the applicant does not need to be reassessed due to the nature of their condition as no improvement is expected. When re-applying for your blue badge, we will be able to confirm if you need a further assessment.

What is the Independent Mobility Assessment criteria?

If you do not fall under an automatic criteria you may also be eligible for a badge if you meet one of the following:

  • you have a permanent and substantial disability which means you are unable to walk, or virtually unable to walk; or
  • you are unable to walk, or virtually unable to walk because of a temporary but substantial disability which is likely to last for a period of at least 12 months but less than 3 years.

Eligibility is not based on the basis of a particular diagnosis or condition; it is the effect of the disability on your ability to walk that is important. Medical conditions such as asthma, autism, psychological/behavioural problems, Crohn’s disease/incontinent conditions and Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) are not in themselves a qualification for a badge. People with these conditions may be eligible for a badge under the above criteria, but only if they are unable or virtually unable to walk.

What is the Severe disability in both upper limbs?

You may also be eligible if you drive a motor vehicle regularly, have a severe disability in both upper limbs, which means you are 

  • unable to operate,
  • have considerable difficulty in operating, all or some types of parking meter.

To qualify for a badge under this criterion you will need to show that you meet all of the following:

  • that you drive a vehicle regularly;
  • that you have a severe disability in both arms; and
  • that you are unable to operate, or have considerable difficulty operating, all or some types of on-street parking equipment.

Only drivers with the most severe disabilities in both their arms will be eligible under this criterion. It does not apply to people, who for example, have difficulty carrying parcels or shopping or to people who travel solely as a passenger.

What is the Risk in Traffic application?

The eligibility criteria is to allow people who pose a risk to themselves or others in traffic to apply for a disabled person’s parking badge, provided they meet the criteria.

A decision was made on Friday 15 December 2017 that the cognitive pilot has now been made a permanent category from Monday 18 December 2017. 

To meet this eligibility criteria for a Blue Badge the applicant must:

  • Have a diagnosed mental disorder or cognitive impairment.

Lack awareness of danger from traffic, meaning something is likely to risk the applicant's safety or the safety of other people during journeys. The purpose of the Badge would be to support safety where other strategies don’t work. You may want to talk to a health or social care professional about whether a Blue Badge is appropriate before applying, as it may be other tools would reduce the risk better.


If you have a Mental Disorder/Cognitive Impairment, you may be eligible if you are over the age of three and meet the following criteria

Have a letter confirming a diagnosed mental disorder or cognitive impairment  and a healthcare professional (excluding a GP) or a registered social worker can confirm that the applicant meets the definition by completing the questionnaire in Section 3 of this application form. For information on how to complete section 3 please read our guidance.

Applications may take up to 8 weeks to process as they will be required to have an assessment carried out by the independent blue badge assessor.

Risk in Traffic applications cannot be made online, please request an application form by phoning 01546 605517 or in person at your  or by email bluebadges@argyll-bute.gov.uk

Special rules for children with a disability under age 3

A parent of a child who is under three years old may apply for a badge for their child if the child has a specific medical condition which means that they must always be accompanied by bulky medical equipment which cannot be carried around without great difficulty.

Bulky medical equipment includes any of the following:

  • ventilators;
  • suction machines;
  • feed pumps;
  • parenteral equipment;
  • syringe drivers;
  • oxygen administration equipment;
  • continuous oxygen saturation monitoring equipment; and
  • casts and associated medical equipment for the correction of hip dysplasia.

A child will be eligible to receive a badge if the equipment is always needed and cannot be carried around without great difficulty.

A parent of a child who is less than three years old may apply for a badge for their child if the child has a specific medical condition which requires that they are kept near a vehicle at all times, so that they can, if necessary, be treated in the vehicle or quickly driven to a place where they can be treated, such as a hospital.

Some examples of such highly unstable medical conditions are:

  • tracheostomies;
  • severe epilepsy/seizures;
  • highly unstable diabetes; or
  • terminal illnesses that prevent children from spending any more than brief moments outside and who need a quick route home.

Please note this list is not exhaustive.

A parent or guardian must apply on behalf of a child under three.

What is a Prescribed Application?

Those people who have been diagnosed with Motor Neuron Disease (MND) can have a blue badge prescribed to them by their MND Nurse Consultant.  Please speak to your MND nurse consultant if you would like to apply for a blue badge under this category.  If you do not know who the local MND nurse consultant is please .

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