


Policy Lead issues special summer message

As pupils across Â鶹Ãâ·Ñ°æ and Bute prepare to break-up today for the school summer holidays, the Council's Policy Lead for Education, Councillor Yvonne McNeilly, has issued a special message to pupils, staff and parents."We’re almost at the end of the school year and what a year it’s been. Nothing could have prepared us for the challenges we’ve had to overcome in the last 12 months, particularly in our schools, but the way in which staff, pupils and parents have coped is truly remarkable," she said.

30 June 2021

Council estimates £33 million budget gap over next five years

Estimates show that there will be £33 million less for council services in Â鶹Ãâ·Ñ°æ and Bute over the next five years, with the council having to make another £2.5 million of savings in 2022/23 alone. Council has agreed its approach for identifying ways in which to meet these challenges. This will involve:

25 June 2021

Life as a childminding duo

Ever wondered what it would be like to be a childminder? Here, husband and wife duo, Dee and Brian Pennock from Taynuilt, share their experience... In the summer of 2008 my husband and I became registered childminders in Â鶹Ãâ·Ñ°æ and Bute. We both came from backgrounds which had no connection whatsoever to do with children or childminding but were both looking for a different challenge……. we found it!

25 June 2021

Council agrees to submit proposed local development plan 2

Â鶹Ãâ·Ñ°æ and Bute’s proposed local development plan 2 will go to the Scottish Government for examination, with a caveat that responds to local community concerns. Local development plans set out potential sites for uses such as business development or housing, or sites to be protected. They also include policies that guide decisions on planning applications. To develop a plan for Â鶹Ãâ·Ñ°æ and Bute, the council followed statutory planning processes which included several public consultations.

25 June 2021

New investment programme to support local regeneration projects

Â鶹Ãâ·Ñ°æ and Bute Council will deliver additional regeneration projects as part of the Scottish Government’s Place Based Investment Programme (PBIP).   The council today, approved an initial first phase of £260,000 to support a range of major improvement projects in the area. The overall PBIP council allocation for 2021/2022 is £821,000. A report highlighting the next phase of funding will be presented at the Policy and Resources Committee in August.  

24 June 2021

Green light for ballot on Isle of Bute BID

Â鶹Ãâ·Ñ°æ and Bute Council has given the go-ahead for a ballot on the proposal to establish a Business Improvement District (BID) on the Isle of Bute. A BID is part of a town, tourism and visitor area in which businesses work together to invest in local improvements to help enhance their communities. BIDs can only exist if they get support from a clear majority of local businesses in a vote.

24 June 2021

£500k funding to support community recovery

Â鶹Ãâ·Ñ°æ and Bute Council has approved a package of funding support for a range of community-based projects to help the area’s recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic. The council has received £537,000 from the Scottish Government’s Flexible Fund scheme. The Fund enables councils and their partners, including Â鶹Ãâ·Ñ°æ and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership, to provide additional support, as communities across Scotland emerge from lockdown, with a particular emphasis on people at risk through health or social inequalities.

24 June 2021

Campbeltown Grammar hosts mini Olympic Games

S1 pupils at Campbeltown Grammar School marked the end of their year-old interdisciplinary programme last week when they hosted a mini Olympic games. Interdisciplinary classes combine lessons in different subjects around a common theme. Young people worked with specialist teachers in various subjects over the last 12 months to explore gender stereotypes and produce a script and storyboard for an advert which went against this.

23 June 2021
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