
Agenda and minutes

Mid 麻豆免费版, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group - Wednesday, 28 April 2021 10:00 am

Venue: Skype

Contact: Iona Campbell, Senior Committee Assistant; Tel: 01436 658 801 

No. Item




The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were made. The Committee Manager outlined the procedure for the meeting.


Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of:


Antonia Baird, Community Development Officer, 麻豆免费版 and Bute Council

Catherine Anne MacAulay, Campbeltown Community Council

Lucy Sumsion, NFU Scotland

Emma Clark, 麻豆免费版 and the Isles Tourism Cooperative

Tracy Preece, 麻豆免费版 and Bute HSCP

Jane Cowen, Tarbert and Skipness Community Trust

Robert Judge, Live 麻豆免费版

Nicola Hackett, Live 麻豆免费版

Susan MacRae, Skills Development Scotland




There were no declarations of interest intimated.




Meeting of the Mid 麻豆免费版, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group held on Wednesday, 3rd of February 2021 pdf icon PDF 92 KB


The Minute of the Mid 麻豆免费版, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group meeting held on Wednesday, 3rd of February 2021 was approved as a correct record.




Police Scotland Update pdf icon PDF 233 KB

Update by Police Scotland


The Group considered an update from Police Scotland, providing details of the appointment of Inspector Paul Collins for the Lochgilphead and Campbeltown Police areas. The report also provided information in relation to the continued response to Covid-19; livestock attacks; future planning; fraud prevention; and frontline support packs.


Inspector Collins introduced himself to the Group and outlined measures taken and preparations being made by Police Scotland for the gradual easing of lockdown restrictions. Discussion took place around the Dogs (Protection of Livestock) (Amendment) (Scotland) Bill and it was agreed that Inspector Collins would ask that the issue of dog owners allowing dogs to foul in fields without picking it up was highlighted alongside ongoing social media campaigns.


Following a query raised by Phil Dickinson around high powered motorbikes causing concern in the area, it was agreed that Inspector Collins would discuss this further with Phil following the meeting. Neil MacFarlane advised that a noise survey was being planned for Cairndow and noted that he may be a good point of contact for Inspector Collins in relation to any issues on the A83, A82 and A85 trunk roads.




The Mid 麻豆免费版, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided.


(Reference: Report by Inspector Paul Collins, Police Scotland, submitted)


Scottish Fire and Rescue Service - Mid 麻豆免费版, Kintyre and the Islands FQ4 2020/21 Update pdf icon PDF 868 KB

Update by Scottish Fire and Rescue Service


The Group considered a report highlighting the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service鈥檚 (SFRS) FQ4 review of local performance across Mid 麻豆免费版, Kintyre and the Islands for 2020-21.


James Sullivan confirmed that home visits to those at high risk had now recommenced in line with the easing of lockdown restrictions.




The Mid 麻豆免费版, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the contents of the report.


(Reference: Report by James Sullivan, Watch Commander/Local Authority Liaison Officer, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, submitted)


Department for Work and Pensions Update pdf icon PDF 241 KB

Update by Department for Work and Pensions


The Group considered an update from the Department for Works and Pensions (DWP) which detailed statistical information in relation to Universal Credit claimants and customers searching for work in the 麻豆免费版 & Bute area, as well as information on the Kickstart scheme; Virtual Youth Hubs, local Job Centres; benefits; the Universal Credit benefits checker; Post Office card accounts; and Help to Save saving accounts.




The Mid 麻豆免费版, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided.


(Reference: Update by Jan Haining, Senior Customer Service Leader, Department for Work and Pensions, dated March 2021, submitted)


麻豆免费版 College UHI Update pdf icon PDF 213 KB

Update by 麻豆免费版 College UHI


The Group considered an update from 麻豆免费版 College UHI which detailed the impact of Covid-19 on learning centres; work carried out throughout the Covid-19 pandemic; the provision of IT equipment for staff and students; available support for staff and students; and preparations for the future.




The Mid 麻豆免费版, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided.


(Reference: Update by Dhonna MacCallum, Centre Manager, 麻豆免费版 College UHI, submitted)


We Are With You Update pdf icon PDF 117 KB

Update by We Are With You


The Group considered an update from We Are With You which provided background information in relation to the organisation, as well as information on available resources and services and adaptions made to these in light of the Covid-19 pandemic.


In response to a query around the age of those who could access services, Sandra MacIntyre confirmed that We Are With You provide assistance to those over 16 who require support and that other services were available to provide support to those under 16, such as the Mid 麻豆免费版 Youth Service and other services who work alongside local schools to provide assistance and education to young people.




The Mid 麻豆免费版, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided.


(Reference: Update by Sandra MacIntyre, Team Leader, We Are With You, submitted)


麻豆免费版 and Bute Council Community Learning Service Update pdf icon PDF 269 KB

Update by Community Learning Team Leader, 麻豆免费版 and Bute Council


The Group considered an update from 麻豆免费版 and Bute Council鈥檚 Community Learning Service which detailed information around the Scottish Youth Parliament Elections 2021; the Scottish Youth Parliament Awards 2021; the 麻豆免费版 and Bute Community Learning and Development Plan 2021-2024; and preparations for coming out of lockdown restrictions. The Group noted that Cameron Garrett from Ardrishaig had been recognised as MSYP of the year 2021 for his commitment to the inspirational work of the Scottish Youth Parliament.


Rhona Grant also provided details to the Group of the planned transfer of the Community Learning and Development Team to Live 麻豆免费版, scheduled for the beginning of July 2021.




The Mid 麻豆免费版, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided.


(Reference: Update by Community Learning Team Leader, 麻豆免费版 and Bute Council, submitted)


Campbeltown Community Council Update pdf icon PDF 249 KB

Update by Campbeltown Community Council


The Group considered an update from Campbeltown Community Council, detailing concerns around Kintyre Recycling Ltd; the condition of roads in Campbeltown; and building conditions at Dalintober Primary School. The update also provided information in relation to a potential cycle route from Campbeltown to Machrihanish; the Robert Black Memorial Helipad; Campbeltown Cross; the SURF award naming Campbeltown as the Most Improved Town in Scotland; Campbeltown Community Windfarm Trust; and the Community Action Plan.


Discussion took place around the concerns raised by Campbeltown Community Council in relation to Kintyre Recycling Ltd and the plan for recycling in the area to be undertaken by 麻豆免费版 and Bute Council in future. It was noted that this was a decision taken at an 麻豆免费版 and Bute Council budget meeting in February 2021.


Valerie advised that 麻豆免费版 and Bute Council鈥檚 decision to include Ralston Road in planned resurfacing works was welcomed, noting displeasure at the quality of repair which had been carried out on the Esplanade. Valerie also expressed concerns around new windfarm developers coming into the Kintyre area and not providing any community benefit or options for community shared ownership.


Valerie provided details of the local Community Action Plan development, noting that the assistance of the Kickstart scheme had enabled the employment of additional individuals to assist with the project.




The Mid 麻豆免费版, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided.


(Reference: Report by Valerie Nimmo, Campbeltown Community Council, submitted)


Dunadd Community Council Update pdf icon PDF 216 KB

Update by Dunadd Community Council


The Group considered an update from Dunadd Community Council detailing their response to the Covid-19 pandemic. The update also provided information around the setting up of a steering group to create an Emergency and Disaster Planning document; work with the Road Policing unit; requests for no parking signs in relevant areas; and a Community Council response to the Cnoc na h-Eilde consultation.




The Mid 麻豆免费版, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided.


(Reference: Report by Hazel Fuller, Dunadd Community Council, submitted)


Furnace Community Council Update pdf icon PDF 191 KB

Update by Furnace Community Council

Additional documents:


The Group considered an update from Furnace Community Council detailing their activities and response to the Covid-19 pandemic between April 2020 and March 2021. The update also provided information on communication channels utilised by the Community Council; concerns around Furnace Surgery; regular conversations with Breedon representatives in relation to Furnace Quarry; speeding mitigation measures; concerns around littering; and Community Council responses to consultations and planning applications.


Discussion took place around ongoing concerns in relation to Furnace Surgery and it was agreed that Lynda Syed would e-mail Shona Barton details of concerns to be raised at the next meeting of the Community Planning Partnership Management Committee.


Following concerns raised around issues with wild camping in the area, it was agreed that Inspector Collins would further discuss this issue with Lynda following the meeting. It was noted that potential solutions could be additional patrols by Police Scotland to inform people visiting the area of their responsibilities, with James Sullivan advising that he would also be happy to provide assistance to Police Scotland with education around campfires if required.




The Mid 麻豆免费版, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group:


1.    considered and noted the information provided; and

2.    agreed that concerns raised by Furnace Community Council around Furnace Surgery would be raised at the next meeting of the Community Planning Partnership Management Committee.


(Reference: Report by Lynda Syed, Furnace Community Council, submitted)


Tarbert and Skipness Community Trust Update pdf icon PDF 214 KB

Update by Tarbert and Skipness Community Trust


The Group considered an update from Tarbert and Skipness Community Trust detailing their continued response to Covid-19 and work being carried out around active travel.




The Mid 麻豆免费版, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group:


  1. considered and noted the information provided; and
  2. noted that in the absence of a representative from Tarbert and Skipness Community Trust the Committee Manager would take back any questions to Tarbert and Skipness Community Trust and circulate any responses to the Group.


(Reference: Report by Tarbert and Skipness Community Trust, dated 14th April 2021, submitted)


Opportunity for verbal updates by Community Planning Partners


Neil MacFarlane, Transport Scotland


Neil MacFarlane provided information around upcoming BEAR Scotland works on the A83 and A82 Loch Lomondside for the Group鈥檚 consideration, as detailed below:




  • Clearway signing improvements




  • Double yellow line and single yellow line installed through Arrochar
  • Rest and Be Thankful 鈥 car park resurfaced, slope stabilisation, drainage improvements, catch pit construction
  • Kinglas bunds
  • Diversion signage
  • Cairndow lining and signing initiative
  • South of Inverneill until 5th May overnight resurfacing
  • 麻豆免费版 Adventure 鈥 9th to 11th May overnight resurfacing
  • Tarbet Tea Rooms 鈥 12th to 13th May overnight resurfacing
  • Tarbert Road Campbeltown footway reconstruction 鈥 3rd May to 23rd May
  • Tarbert Road Campbeltown carriageway reconstruction 鈥 24th May to 14th June
  • Hall St Campbeltown footway reconstruction 鈥 24th May to 14th June
  • Hall St Campbeltown carriageway reconstruction 鈥 15th June to 24th June


Neil also provided an update on concerns previously raised in relation to drainage at Tayinloan which had been investigated, repaired and relevant information passed to 麻豆免费版 and Bute Council for their consideration. Neil also noted that the poor road surface near Bellochantuy Caravan Park would be actioned as part of a 3 year rolling construction programme and that relevant BEAR Scotland officers had been reminded of the noisy manhole cover issue at one of the roundabouts in Lochgilphead.


Following a query from Councillor Armour, Neil confirmed that plans for a puffin crossing at Kinloch Road, Campbeltown, were progressing to the design stage in 2021 and it was likely that implementation would not be until at least 2022. Neil noted that Transport Scotland hoped to look at Kinloch Road in its entirety, as opposed to only the section where a puffin crossing would be placed, to ensure better sustainability and accessibility for pedestrians and cyclists.


Rachel Whyte, Islay Community Council


Rachel Whyte provided the below update from Islay Community Council (ICC):


Dr MacTaggart composed a summary of how to access Covid-19 testing/healthcare and requested the help of Explore Islay and IJMG to distribute this to accommodation providers.


Dr MacTaggart reported that they continue to make excellent progress with the completion of phase 1 of the Covid-19 vaccination programme, with the majority of appointments so far in April providing 2nd vaccine doses to those patients most at risk of severe Covid-19 disease.They have also been providing a small number of 1st vaccine doses to those who have self-identified as carers or are household contacts of patients who have been shielding. As has been widely publicised, short term issues with vaccine supply have resulted in the commencement of phase 2 of the vaccination programme (all those aged 18-49 not otherwise eligible during phase 1) being delayed.They await further information from the Scottish Government regarding vaccine supply and, as such, do not yet have a confirmed date for when they can begin offering first doses to patients eligible during phase 2.They will proactively contact patients, beginning with those aged 45-49, as soon as they are given the go ahead and thanked people for their patience and understanding. Further information on the Covid-19 vaccination programme, including a helpful guide to the very rare side effects associated with the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine, can be found at .


Alan Beresford from Islay Medical 麻豆免费版 recently met with Islay Resilience Group where discussions took place regarding setting up a patient forum.


Kilchoman Distillery are looking to reopen the Visitor Centre on 17th May 鈥 they are unsure what will be on offer (tours, tastings etc) as it will depend upon restrictions at the time but they will be opening. Bunnahabhain Distillery are looking at re-opening as a shop only under the relevant guidelines on either 26th or 28th April.  Current thinking is that they will remain shop-only throughout May (again, this will be subject to review as guidelines are reviewed). Laphroaig Distillery Plans remain the same right now at Laphroaig with shop open and only by appointment. Ardnahoe Distillery re-opened on Monday 26th April in line with government restrictions. Physical Distance Based Capacity (PDBC) will become a 鈥渂uzz phrase鈥.  The caf茅 will be open to serve lunches and fresh home baking. No alcohol is being sold except via the shop in sealed containers i.e. Off Sales.  Tours are restricted to maximum four persons from two households, with no tastings. They will possibly be able to resume tastings on the 17th of May, depending on restrictions. Bruichladdich Distillery Shop is being refitted and the retail site will hopefully re-open in early June, there are no tours at present.


Gill Chasemore of Islay Resilience Group reported that the group have facilitated four drop ins for locals across the island for people to meet and socialise in a safe and welcoming environment. Approximately 40 people have accessed this. The free tea and home baking is funded through the Covid Fund. Vaccination transport is being well utilised and clients are now requesting transport for their second jags using the Community bus and occasionally volunteers鈥 cars. IRG have received funding through Islay Energy Trust to continue to print our popular newsletter until December.


Mairi MacCuaig reported Islay High school pupils have returned to full time education on 19th April 2021 with High school pupils continuing to be offered Covid-19 self-testing kits. Applications are open for September 2021 for all Colleges and Universities. SDS are continuing with remote support, engaging with school leavers, employers, training providers, and local partners.


The Youth Initiative continues to deliver fully subscribed clubs. The Islay Youth Forum, supported by The Youth Initiative and Youth Scotland, meet weekly at Kilarrow. Various clubs and dance groups around the island are starting to open.


ICC eagerly look forward to proposed liaison with 麻豆免费版 & Bute Council regarding Islay roads which are now, and have been for a long time, not fit for purpose. Thousands of pounds of damage to vehicles have been reported to ICC.


Islay re-opened for  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4k



Verbal Update by Police Inspector Boyle, Police Scotland


The Group considered a verbal update from Inspector Mo Boyle, Police Scotland, in relation to the work of the Police Scotland Community Engagement Team.


Inspector Boyle advised that the Police Scotland Community Engagement Team had been created following a restructuring of the West Dunbartonshire division to create two new teams 鈥 a Community Engagement Team and a Problem Solving Team. This had allowed additional resource as both teams could also be deployed across the 麻豆免费版 and Bute area.


Inspector Boyle outlined the specialist roles and officers involved with the team and advised that the Team would be looking for opportunities to add value to partnership activities; create new partnerships; and work on delivering police plan priorities which aligned closely with 麻豆免费版 and Bute鈥檚 Outcome Improvement Plan priorities. Inspector Boyle provided an update on the work which had been carried out by the Team so far and encouraged partners to attend an online fraud awareness event being hosted by 麻豆免费版 TSI on the 18th of May 2021 at 2:30pm, details of which had been circulated to partners via Basecamp.




The Mid 麻豆免费版, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided.




South Kintyre Development Trust and their role as lead organisation in the Kintyre Community Resilience and Recovery response pdf icon PDF 103 KB

Presentation by Eric Spence, South Kintyre Development Trust


The Group considered a presentation from Eric Spence, South Kintyre Development Trust, which provided information around the work of Kintyre Community Resilience Group, their response to the Covid-19 pandemic and future plans.


Rachel Whyte advised that Islay Community Council had found the provision of hand sanitiser units at local bus stops to be very useful and suggested that this could also be of benefit in Kintyre, if it was not already in place. Eric confirmed that he thought this could be a good idea and agreed to raise it at the next meeting of the Resilience Group.


Councillors Horn expressed her thanks to Eric and the Kintyre Community Resilience Group for their assistance with the local food bank.


Councillor Armour applauded Eric for his co-ordination of the Kintyre Community Resilience Group鈥檚 activities and advised that the work carried out had been phenomenal and he had been glad to be a part of it, noting that he had had been particularly heartened to see so many people come together in difficult times to assist those in need.


Sandra MacIntyre expressed her thanks to Eric and the Kintyre Community Resilience Group for their assistance to We Are With You service users in Campbeltown throughout the pandemic.


The Chair thanked Eric for a very good presentation.




The Mid 麻豆免费版, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided in the presentation.


(Reference: Presentation by Eric Spence, South Kintyre Development Trust, dated 28th April 2021, submitted)




UK-EU Post Transition pdf icon PDF 206 KB

Report by Chief Executive, 麻豆免费版 and Bute Council


The Group considered a report setting out the considerations of the EU Withdrawal Tactical Group with regard to identifying and assessing any risks relative to 麻豆免费版 and Bute, following the UK exiting the EU and entering into a new agreement from 1st January 2021.




The Mid 麻豆免费版, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group agreed to be assured that the Council and the HSCP are as well prepared as they can be with regards to having exited the EU and are actively engaged with partners through the local and national resilience frameworks.


(Reference: Report by Chief Executive, 麻豆免费版 and Bute Council, dated 7th April 2021, submitted)


Clyde Fishermen's Association Update pdf icon PDF 10 MB

Presentation by Kenny MacNab, Clyde Fisheries Association


The Group considered a presentation from Elaine Whyte, Clyde Fishermen鈥檚 Association, which provided information around Clyde Fishermen鈥檚 Association, the fishing industry in 麻豆免费版 and Bute and the impact of Brexit and Covid-19 on it.


In response to a query from Rachel Whyte, Elaine confirmed that the prospect of community owned boats and local apprenticeships was something which was being considered. Elaine provided an outline of different methods which were being looked at to manage the situation locally and empower local communities and further discussion took place around the benefits of buying seafood locally and the methods which were being looked at to encourage this.


The Chair thanked Elaine for a very informative presentation.




The Mid 麻豆免费版, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided in the presentation.


(Reference: Presentation by Elaine Whyte, Clyde Fishermen鈥檚 Association, submitted)


Opportunity for updates from Area Community Planning Group Partners in relation to the impact of the UK's Withdrawal from the EU


There were no further updates from Area Community Planning Group partners in relation to the impact of the UK鈥檚 Withdrawal from the EU.



Report by Head of Development and Economic Growth, 麻豆免费版 and Bute Council


The Group considered a report which provided a brief update on campervan, motorhome and staycation activity in 麻豆免费版 and Bute.


A number of partners in attendance expressed concerns that there was no officer in attendance to speak to the report and answer any questions, particularly in light of the recent easing of lockdown restrictions.


Councillor Armour suggested that it could be beneficial for the Council to encourage those with campervans to use recognised camp sites with facilities, as opposed to setting up standalone sites, for at least one night of their stay.


Rachel Whyte expressed concerns around the effectiveness of the planned use of enforcement wardens on the islands. Councillor Horn reiterated this concern due to the amount of time spent travelling likely resulting in a very limited working day on the islands for required enforcement. Councillor Horn also noted concerns around human waste and litter being left indiscriminately by some of those using motorhomes and wild camping.


Hazel Fuller requested clarification as to whether campervans or motorhomes using passing places to park in would be in breach of the law. Discussion took place around this and Inspector Collins confirmed that he would believe this to be the case and that this could be reported to the Police

It was suggested that it would be beneficial if the Council were to prepare a strategy which could be used as a point of reference for both the Council and other organisations.


Rachel advised that it may be useful for Enforcement Wardens to utilise their time when travelling on ferries to provide education to those travelling to the island around available facilities and behaviour expected when visiting the island. Rachel also noted that it may be beneficial to have some literature detailing this information available on the local ferries.


Councillor Armour suggested that it may be helpful for Islay Community Council to produce some form of leaflet which could be placed on the ferries or handed out to campervans when they arrived on the island, Rachel agreed to raise this with the rest of the Islay Community Councillors as a possible action.




The Mid 麻豆免费版, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group agreed:


  1. to note the contents of the paper and progress to date;
  2. that partners would continue to collaborate to try and address the challenges faced due to increased informal camping activity; and
  3. that the Committee Manager would feedback queries and comments raised to the Head of Development and Economic Growth and circulate any responses to the Group.


(Reference: Report by Head of Development and Economic Growth, 麻豆免费版 and Bute Council, dated 28th April 2021, submitted)



Report by Committee Manager, 麻豆免费版 and Bute Council


The Group considered a briefing note which provided information around the current Covid infection rates in 麻豆免费版 and Bute and also provided some information on the uptake of Covid vaccinations.




The Mid 麻豆免费版, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the briefing note.


(Reference: Report by Committee Manager, 麻豆免费版 and Bute Council, dated 28th April 2021, submitted)



Report by Committee Manager, 麻豆免费版 and Bute Council

Additional documents:


The Group considered a report which provided the results of a Partner Attendance Survey carried out following agreement at the February meeting of the Mid 麻豆免费版, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group.


Shona Barton outlined the key findings of the survey and discussion took place around the ways in which this information could be used to maximise partner attendance. It was noted that attendance at this meeting of the Group had been very good, with many interesting reports and presentations from various partners.


Further discussion took place around the benefits and disadvantages of holding meetings at a central location with the option of attending virtually, with it being noted that the majority of respondents were happy with this suggestion. It was agreed that in orderfor the meetings to continue to move to different locations across the Mid 麻豆免费版, Kintyre and the Islands Area when meetings were able to return to a face-to-face setting, there would need to be sufficient IT facilities and connectivity available at any desired location to allow people to join the meetings virtually.


In light of feedback from partners that meetings and agendas could often be too long, it was agreed that cognisance of this would be taken going forward when setting out the agendas for meetings. Following a number of respondents indicating that afternoons may be a suitable time for them to attend meetings, it was agreed that it may be beneficial to hold 1 meeting out of every 4 in the afternoon, with the November 2021 meeting of the Group to be held in the afternoon on a trial basis to ascertain whether this could assist in improving the attendance of partners.




The Mid 麻豆免费版, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group:


1.    noted the results of the survey; and

2.    considered and discussed the ways in which the results of the survey could be used to best facilitate increased partner attendance at Group meetings going forward.


(Reference: Report by Committee Manager, 麻豆免费版 and Bute Council, dated 28th April 2021, submitted)



Verbal Update by Community Planning Officer, 麻豆免费版 and Bute Council


The Group considered a verbal update from Samantha Somers, Community Planning Officer, 麻豆免费版 and Bute Council, in relation to the Area Community Planning Action Plan Update.


Samantha advised that an updated Area Community Planning Action Plan had been delayed due to Covid-19, however a new timescale was now in place with a view to having the updated Plan agreed and in place by April 2022. Samantha noted that the Plan would take into account the results of the Place Standard Community Engagement exercise; information available from the Building Back Better work stream; and information from planned online workshops.Samantha confirmed that dates for online workshops would be available by mid-May 2021 and encouraged as many partners as possible to get involved with these.


Samantha highlighted that anyone requiring support from the Community Development team, in the absence of the local Community Development Officer, could contact them for assistance at communitydevelopment@argyll-bute.gov.uk.




The Miid 麻豆免费版, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided.



Verbal Update by Community Planning Officer, 麻豆免费版 and Bute Council


The Group considered a verbal update from Samantha Somers, Community Planning Officer, 麻豆免费版 and Bute Council, in relation to the trial of Basecamp.


Samantha advised that all partners should hopefully have received an invitation to join Basecamp and noted that, although there was not a large amount of discussion on the Basecamp site for the Mid 麻豆免费版, Kintyre and the Islands Area, the platform had been used by various partners to promote initiatives and events.




The Miid 麻豆免费版, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided.



Report by Committee Manager, 麻豆免费版 and Bute Council


The Group considered a briefing note which provided information around matters discussed during a virtual meeting of the Community Planning Partnership Management Committee, held on 10th March 2021.




The Mid 麻豆免费版, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the briefing note.


(Reference: Report by Committee Manager, 麻豆免费版 and Bute Council, dated 28th April 2021, submitted)



The next meeting will take place at 10.00am on Tuesday, 24 August 2021.


The Group noted that the next meeting of the Mid 麻豆免费版, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group would take place on Tuesday, 24th of August 2021.