
Agenda item

Opportunity for verbal updates by Community Planning Partners


Neil MacFarlane, Transport Scotland


Neil MacFarlane provided information around upcoming BEAR Scotland works on the A83 and A82 Loch Lomondside for the Group’s consideration, as detailed below:




  • Clearway signing improvements




  • Double yellow line and single yellow line installed through Arrochar
  • Rest and Be Thankful – car park resurfaced, slope stabilisation, drainage improvements, catch pit construction
  • Kinglas bunds
  • Diversion signage
  • Cairndow lining and signing initiative
  • South of Inverneill until 5th May overnight resurfacing
  • 鶹Ѱ Adventure – 9th to 11th May overnight resurfacing
  • Tarbet Tea Rooms – 12th to 13th May overnight resurfacing
  • Tarbert Road Campbeltown footway reconstruction – 3rd May to 23rd May
  • Tarbert Road Campbeltown carriageway reconstruction – 24th May to 14th June
  • Hall St Campbeltown footway reconstruction – 24th May to 14th June
  • Hall St Campbeltown carriageway reconstruction – 15th June to 24th June


Neil also provided an update on concerns previously raised in relation to drainage at Tayinloan which had been investigated, repaired and relevant information passed to 鶹Ѱ and Bute Council for their consideration. Neil also noted that the poor road surface near Bellochantuy Caravan Park would be actioned as part of a 3 year rolling construction programme and that relevant BEAR Scotland officers had been reminded of the noisy manhole cover issue at one of the roundabouts in Lochgilphead.


Following a query from Councillor Armour, Neil confirmed that plans for a puffin crossing at Kinloch Road, Campbeltown, were progressing to the design stage in 2021 and it was likely that implementation would not be until at least 2022. Neil noted that Transport Scotland hoped to look at Kinloch Road in its entirety, as opposed to only the section where a puffin crossing would be placed, to ensure better sustainability and accessibility for pedestrians and cyclists.


Rachel Whyte, Islay Community Council


Rachel Whyte provided the below update from Islay Community Council (ICC):


Dr MacTaggart composed a summary of how to access Covid-19 testing/healthcare and requested the help of Explore Islay and IJMG to distribute this to accommodation providers.


Dr MacTaggart reported that they continue to make excellent progress with the completion of phase 1 of the Covid-19 vaccination programme, with the majority of appointments so far in April providing 2nd vaccine doses to those patients most at risk of severe Covid-19 disease. They have also been providing a small number of 1st vaccine doses to those who have self-identified as carers or are household contacts of patients who have been shielding. As has been widely publicised, short term issues with vaccine supply have resulted in the commencement of phase 2 of the vaccination programme (all those aged 18-49 not otherwise eligible during phase 1) being delayed. They await further information from the Scottish Government regarding vaccine supply and, as such, do not yet have a confirmed date for when they can begin offering first doses to patients eligible during phase 2. They will proactively contact patients, beginning with those aged 45-49, as soon as they are given the go ahead and thanked people for their patience and understanding. Further information on the Covid-19 vaccination programme, including a helpful guide to the very rare side effects associated with the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine, can be found at .


Alan Beresford from Islay Medical 鶹Ѱ recently met with Islay Resilience Group where discussions took place regarding setting up a patient forum.


Kilchoman Distillery are looking to reopen the Visitor Centre on 17th May – they are unsure what will be on offer (tours, tastings etc) as it will depend upon restrictions at the time but they will be opening. Bunnahabhain Distillery are looking at re-opening as a shop only under the relevant guidelines on either 26th or 28th April.  Current thinking is that they will remain shop-only throughout May (again, this will be subject to review as guidelines are reviewed). Laphroaig Distillery Plans remain the same right now at Laphroaig with shop open and only by appointment. Ardnahoe Distillery re-opened on Monday 26th April in line with government restrictions. Physical Distance Based Capacity (PDBC) will become a “buzz phrase”.  The café will be open to serve lunches and fresh home baking. No alcohol is being sold except via the shop in sealed containers i.e. Off Sales.  Tours are restricted to maximum four persons from two households, with no tastings. They will possibly be able to resume tastings on the 17th of May, depending on restrictions. Bruichladdich Distillery Shop is being refitted and the retail site will hopefully re-open in early June, there are no tours at present.


Gill Chasemore of Islay Resilience Group reported that the group have facilitated four drop ins for locals across the island for people to meet and socialise in a safe and welcoming environment. Approximately 40 people have accessed this. The free tea and home baking is funded through the Covid Fund. Vaccination transport is being well utilised and clients are now requesting transport for their second jags using the Community bus and occasionally volunteers’ cars. IRG have received funding through Islay Energy Trust to continue to print our popular newsletter until December.


Mairi MacCuaig reported Islay High school pupils have returned to full time education on 19th April 2021 with High school pupils continuing to be offered Covid-19 self-testing kits. Applications are open for September 2021 for all Colleges and Universities. SDS are continuing with remote support, engaging with school leavers, employers, training providers, and local partners.


The Youth Initiative continues to deliver fully subscribed clubs. The Islay Youth Forum, supported by The Youth Initiative and Youth Scotland, meet weekly at Kilarrow. Various clubs and dance groups around the island are starting to open.


ICC eagerly look forward to proposed liaison with 鶹Ѱ & Bute Council regarding Islay roads which are now, and have been for a long time, not fit for purpose. Thousands of pounds of damage to vehicles have been reported to ICC.


Islay re-opened for tourism on Monday 26th April 2021 in line with Scottish Government guidelines. There have been very positive comments made in relation to Explore Islay and IJMG information sharing.


Islay Airport reported that Loganair have indicated that the evening schedule to Glasgow will resume on the 3rd of May. The aircraft used for this will be a Twin Otter aircraft and it will be combined with Campbeltown at the same time as previous flights. The airport opening hours will be adjusted back to pre-Covid hours and the airport will be open throughout the day. Due to the volume of mail, the morning schedule to Glasgow will continue to be operated with the larger Saab 340 aircraft.The essential nature of travel for General Aviation was relaxed on the 26th April in line with Government guidance.


David Gillies announced Dunlossit Estate are working with 鶹Ѱ and Bute Council to create a waste facility and informal motor home site for motor homes in Ballygrant.


Jim Porteous of the ICC Ferry committee reported that the normal Summer ferry timetable will now apply from 28th April. There will be a continuation of 1m social distancing, which reduces passenger capacity by around 70% compared with 2019. (CalMac's booking site includes a request on behalf of 鶹Ѱ & Bute Council that Campervans/Motorhomes should secure a pitch for their vehicle on the island prior to travel. There is also a 'pop up' when making a ferry booking). There are ongoing discussions with CalMac regarding the next Winter (21/22) timetable (initial Calmac proposals were rejected by ICCFC and a revised version is being examined). CalMac has reported a recent increase in car and passenger numbers but say that current capacity is coping.


Paul Cairns reported that the Quakers are excited about holding physical meetings again and agreed to start meeting in-person again in Bowmore Church on Sunday 25th April. The Church of Scotland advised that all is going well at churches despite low numbers, although they are remaining consistent, and reduced income due to the lower attendance. Islay Baptist Church continues to do well during the pandemic. They are making the effort to keep in contact with all those connected to the church and to offer them support. They are looking forward to the coming reduction in restrictions as it means some of our midweek activities can restart, many of which provide social interaction to vulnerable members of the community. The Catholic and Episcopalian communities share St Columba’s. Father Tony Wood, who will return on May 9th to celebrate mass.”


Councillor Donald MacMillan BEM


Councillor MacMillan provided an update on the work which was being carried out in Colchester Square and 鶹Ѱ Street, Lochgilphead, noting that the work being carried out would make the area safer for pedestrians and drivers. Councillor MacMillan advised that 16 shops had been awarded small grants for painting the shop fronts. Councillor MacMillan noted that further developments would continue on Lochgilphead Front Green from June 2021 and encouraged anyone passing through Lochgilphead to take the time to look at the great work which had been carried out so far.


Phil Dickinson, Craignish Community Council


Phil Dickinson confirmed that Craignish Community Council were still managing the Community Recovery Fund, alongside managing the volunteer network assisting vulnerable people. Phil noted that Craignish Community had recently held their second Zoom meeting, and advised that people were generally split between being feeling somewhat fearful of things opening up again or looking forward to a return to some sense of normality. Phil advised that he felt it was very useful to listen to other Community Councils to get a sense of what was going on in other areas.


Ian Brodie, East Kintyre Community Council


Ian Brodie advised that Carradale Community Trust had purchased the Post Office and were in the process of refitting the building as a shop and Post Office. Ian noted that the local café was under new ownership and was planned to re-open in Mid-May, possibly under a new name. Ian advised that the Covid-19 response in the village was winding down slowly, with many people now having their own arrangements in place for the provision of food and other services.