ࡱ> >A= Bbjbj 4xxP99999MMM8M5(---44444446h949-----499H4,-994-4!,.)5M^,44<5,6 : :,. :9.x-------44---5---- :--------- : Oban Harbour Development Group Aim To provide strategic direction for the development of Oban Harbour and ensure the safe and efficient operation of marine activity within Oban Bay. Terms of Reference Improve the safety and efficiency of the harbour and its environs for the benefit of all users. Bi-monthly meetings of key stakeholders (CMAL, ABC, NLB,) with input from other operational users e.g. Cal Mac, fishing industry and MCA when necessary. Prepare and deliver a Harbour Plan that identifies the short, medium and long term development proposals that interfaces with all stakeholders strategic plans. Continuously review and update the Harbour Plan with respect to appropriateness in alignment with group partners, objectives and strategic aims. Consider, evaluate and make recommendations to group partners with respect to the development proposals within Oban Harbour for the benefit of the community and its stakeholders. Following evaluation plan and deliver on opportunities identified through partnership working. Consult and engage with all stakeholders in delivery of the plans developed. Engage with local groups, organisations and associations to realise opportunities as they arise and to evaluate fit with the Harbour Plan. Provide and manage a forum that allows for engagement and interaction with all harbour users and facilitates communications between the different groups. Group Partners are represented by:- Councillor John Semple Councillor Louise Glen Lee Lorna Spencer, CMAL Ewen Mackerchar, NLB Phil Day, NLB Sandy MacTaggart, A&BC Robert Pollock, A&BC Martin Gorringe, A&BC Jonathan Welch, A&BC Key Harbour stakeholders will be invited to attend and participate as and when appropriate Lorna Spencer Director of Harbours - CMAL     OHDG V2 Page  PAGE 1  DATE \@ "dd/MM/yyyy" 18/02/2013  !$%itx}/ 0 g h i   & ( 7 8 H L a Y Z e ~  ÿûûۻ÷ǣhL h7L]h:h`&Ah"hk3hPhph~[Qh&hxNhxNhE>*hxNhxN>*hEhxNhxN5hwhE5CJaJhwhxN5CJaJ= !%&/ i Y ~  gd, & FgdxN & Fgdk3 & FgdpgdMu   9;OPQRefh ׯ׫ӫퟗ׋h:xhwCJaJhwCJaJh jh UhEhE>*hMuhEHhʓ'h[]> h"hphphL h"h,h,h&hwh,hL >* h,>* hL >* hw>*h,hxN>* h`&A>*. %;Rgh?  r p#gdgd:xgd:xgdMugd,234=>?@ABİ嬨hEhE>*h hw&HhSgh$CJaJmHnHu&HhSgh$CJaJmHnHuh$CJaJmHnHuh:xhwCJaJjh:xhwCJUaJ?@ABgdMu21h:p. 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