
Helensburgh CARS grants

How to apply for Helensburgh CARS grants

What grants are available?

Priority buildings

Major repairs including structural and external repairs of the fabric

Shopfront repairs

Such as the reinstatement of traditional features and shopfront detail

Small repair grants

Minor repairs such as structural repairs and rainwater goods

How to apply

More details about the grant application process are available on our Helensburgh CARS grants - how it works page

For application forms, please contact the Helensburgh CARS Project Officer:

Dianne Richardson - CARS Officer – Helensburgh
Helensburgh & Lomond Civic Centre
G84 7PG
Telephone: 01436 657683
Mobile: 07551 685567
Email: dianne.richardson@argyll-bute.gov.uk

Helensburgh CARS boundary area



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Helensburgh CARS boundary map
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