
EIA Screening

Find out what developments require Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Screening.

Some developments fall under the requirements of the Environmental Impact Assessment (Scotland) Regulations 2011 (EIA) and require to go through the screening and scoping procedure with the local planning authority.  If your proposal falls under Schedule 1 of the regulations then it will require to go through the formal EIA process and we can provide a scoping opinion which details what the EIA should cover.  If your proposal falls under Schedule 2 of the regulations then it does not necessarily need a formal EIA but we will provide a screening opinion as to whether or not a formal EIA is required and a scoping opinion. 

Some examples of Schedule 1 proposals include:

  • Crude oil refineries and installations for the gasification and liquefaction of 500 tonnes or more of coal or bituminous shale per day;
  • Nuclear power stations and other reactors;
  • Installations for the reprocessing of irradiated nuclear fuel; and
  • Quarries and open-cast mining where the surface of the site exceeds 25ha or peat extraction where the surface of the site exceeds 150ha.

 Some examples of Schedule 2 proposals include:

  • Quarries, open-cast mining and peat extraction (unless included in Schedule 1);
  • Extraction of minerals by marine or fluvial dredging;
  • Installations for the harnessing of wind power for energy production where the development involves the installation of more than 2 turbines, or the hub height; and
  • Installations for hydroelectric energy production where the installation is designed to produced more than 0.5 megawatts.

More information about the EIA Regulations can be found here

If you would like further information about EIA and/or a specific proposal please do not hesitate to contact your local planning office and discuss with a planning officer.

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