
Bee-autiful project at hermitage brings people together across the globe

Talented knitters from across the globe came together to assist Hermitage Primary when the school’s parent council made an appeal for people to help them pay tribute to the achievements of pupils during lockdown.

The school’s values are ‘Bees’: Be Kind, Be Respectful, Be Responsible and Be the Best You Can Be. So, the parent council invited people to knit a unique bee for every member of the schools – 450 pupils and staff!

As a result, bees were sent from all corners of the UK, as well as from America and Canada. After a suitable quarantine over the Easter holidays, each child and staff member will be gifted one of these beautiful bees as a gift and reminder of how they have truly been the best they could be over the last past year. The bees are pictured in their ‘Hermie-hive’.

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