
Issue - decisions

Policy and Resources Committee held on 15 February 2024 (to follow)

29/02/2024 - Policy and Resources Committee held on 15 February 2024

The Minutes of the meeting of the Policy and Resources Committee held on 15 February 2024 were noted.


Arising from item 4 of these Minutes (Financial Reports Monitoring Pack – 31 October 2023) the Council agreed the recommendation to approve the revenue virements over £0.200m during November and December 2023.


Arising from item 5 of these Minutes (Budgeting Pack 2024-2025) the Council agreed that this item would be dealt with under item 5 of the agenda (Budgeting Pack 2024/25).


Arising from item 6 of these Minutes (Treasury Management Strategy and Annual Investment Strategy) the Council agreed that this would be dealt with under item 6 of the agenda (Treasury Management Strategy and Annual Investment Strategy).


Arising from item 7 of these Minutes (Scottish Welfare Fund – Financial Position) the Council agreed that consideration of a cost pressure amounting to £250,000 would be dealt with under item 5 of the agenda (Budgeting Pack 2024/25).


Arising from item 8 of this Minute (Strategic Events and Festivals Fund – Round 6 2024/2025) the Council agreed the recommendations to –


1.     Agree that the consideration of £90,000 base funding for Strategic Events and Festivals in order that the application process can commence during 2025/26 (Round 7), and that this fund be augmented by any underspend in Round 5 (23/24); will be dealt with under item 5 of the agenda (Budgeting Pack 2024/25); and


2.     Agree that that any underspend from SEF Round 6 is earmarked and used to augment a future SEF round.