
Agenda item

KIlmartin Castle, Kilmartin, Lochgilphead, PA31 8RQ

Summary Sheet attached – Item 4(b)


Stef Burgon attended and advised that the premises had been renovated in 2019 and had 5 bedrooms, 4 of which were used for bed and breakfast accommodation. Ms Burgon explained that 8 to 10 guests would also be able to hire the whole premises for their exclusive use and she also wanted to expand the business to include small-scale community events such as theatre and comedy shows. She added that the off-sales would be required for guests taking away unfinished bottles.


It was noted that a letter of objection had been received by email from Elaine Turner dated 8th February, 2022. Ms Turner was not in attendance. A letter of representation had been received from Dunadd Community Council dated 3rd February, 2022. No-one from Dunadd Community Council was in attendance.


Raymond Park, Licensing Standards Officer advised that there were a couple of issues related to the swimming pond and planning permission. Planning Â鶹Ãâ·Ñ°æ had commented that the use of the external area for events with a capacity of up to 120 persons may require express planning consent, depending on their nature and frequency and suggested the use of occasional licences in the meantime. The applicant, however, wanted this area licensed to enable the organisation of events at a later date. Mr Park emphasised that if the external area was licensed then occasional licence applications could not be submitted as you could not licence an area which already had a licence in place but he said this was up to the applicant.


Ms Burgon confirmed that she would like the external area licensed and advised that the capacity of 120 was based on the maximum number which was mainly for daytime events although she was happy to reduce this figure if necessary.


Richard Trail referred to the capacity figure and noted that there was a smaller figure stated on the application. Ms Burgon confirmed that approximately 50 guests would be coming and going for the external area and 10 to 12 for the internal area.


The Chair, in order to clarify, asked if the capacity should be 50 instead of 120. Ms Burgon said the figure of 120 was the maximum and it would be unlikely that number would be present at any one time.


Jean Moffat noted that there was no signage regarding the location of the premises. Ms Burgon advised that all guests booked in advance and they would be given directions prior to arrival.


The Chair asked Ms Burgon about parking. She advised that a maximum of 20 spaces would be available but did not see this as an issue as Kilmartin itself had adequate parking and the majority of guests would arrive on foot.


Richard Trail expressed his concern regarding the swimming pond when alcohol was available, especially at night. Ms Burgon stated that no-one would be permitted to use the pond when events were being held and there would always be 2 first aiders present at each event.


The Chair asked if there would be a bar within the premises. Ms Burgon replied no, only bottles of wine would be sold and beer would be available in the garden only. The Chair enquired about the entertainment regarding theatres and comedy shows and whether it would create a lot of noise. Ms Burgon stated it would be for 2 hours maximum with only around 4 events per year.



Richard Trail asked who would be responsible for the premises and the alcohol when rented out for exclusive use. Ms Burgon advised that it would be self- catering and guests would bring their own alcohol.


Mr Park explained that although this was a 3 streamed business, the self-catering and events would not be permitted at present as only the bed and breakfast aspect had been given planning permission. The events would be subject to approval and there would be no control over the self-catering side.


The Chair referred to the report that had been provided by Nicole Hamilton, Environmental Health Officer in relation to the use of the swimming pond and the recommendations detailed therein. Ms Burgon confirmed that they would comply with and implement all the recommendations proposed by Environmental Health.


The Chair expressed concerns over the lack of control for self-catering and wondered how the use of the pond and noise levels would be monitored. Ms Burgon stated that the guests would be vetted and were mostly generational families. Parties were not permitted and the neighbours would inform the applicant of any noise issues. There would also be maintenance staff present and signage at the pond to advise accordingly.


Mr Park mentioned that self-catering was not stated on the operating plan and relevant permissions were still to be put in place. He therefore suggested granting the bed and breakfast aspect then the applicant could submit a major variation application in the near future to add small events and self-catering. The Chair asked if this would include the external area and Mr Park replied yes although it would require planning permission but at least the applicant would be able to commence the bed and breakfast



On that basis, the Chair asked Ms Burgon if she wanted to licence the bed and breakfast with the outdoor area which would be used by guests only or just licence the inside of the premises and occasional licence applications could be submitted for events. Ms Burgon said that she would rather have the external area for bed and breakfast guests and that she may not have events at all.


The Chair moved to grant the premises licence for bed and breakfast guests only in respect of the castle and the outdoor area but no large scale events can take place. This was seconded by Jean Moffat.


Richard Trail asked if the capacity would be reduced to 10. The Depute Clerk, Susan Mair replied yes and in the event that the applicant submits an application for a major variation relating to larger events then this would be considered accordingly.


With no-one else being otherwise minded, this became the decision of the Board.


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