
Agenda and minutes

Campbeltown Ferry Committee - Tuesday, 3 October 2017 11:00 am

Venue: Burnett Building, Campbeltown

Contact: Lynsey Innis, Senior Area Committee Assistant; Tel: 01546 604338 

No. Item


Election of Chair and Vice Chair


The Area Committee Manager asked for nominations for the position of Chair.Ìý Councillor Horn nominated Councillor Armour, this was seconded by Kevin Lewis.Ìý Councillor Armour accepted the nomination and assumed the Chair.Ìý


Councillor Armour asked for nominations for the position of Vice Chair.Ìý Ewen McDonald nominated Councillor Horn, this was seconded by Kevin Lewis.Ìý Councillor Horn accepted the nomination.Ìý




Welcome and Apologies


The Chair formally welcomed everyone to the meeting and general introductions were made.Ìý


Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of:-


Stewart Clark, Marine Operations Manager, Â鶹Ãâ·Ñ°æ and Bute Council; and

Kate Watt, Explore Campbeltown


Minute of the previous meeting of Campbeltown Ferry Committee held on 26 May 2017 pdf icon PDF 90 KB


The minute of the previous meeting held on 26 May 2017 was approved as an accurate record.





Update from Calmac on progress of new build programme

Update by Area Operations Manager, Calmac


The Committee gave consideration to a verbal update from the Area Operations Manager of CalMac who advised that the launch of the new vessel for the Ardrossan to Arran sailing had been put back until November 2017, and that a formal update from CMAL was expected imminently.Ìý He advised that the intention had been to bring the new vessel into service at the tail end of the Summer season 2018. Mr Richmond advised that the decision on where she would be deployed thereafter had still to be confirmed by Transport Scotland.Ìý Mr Richmond advised that he would forward the Vessel Replacement and Deployment Plan to the Committee, as soon as it became available.Ìý




The Committee agreed to note the contents of the verbal update.Ìý


Discussion on future Marketing Strategies


The Chair, Councillor Armour led discussions in relation to the aspirations of the group in terms of marketing the service.Ìý Members of the group expressed dissatisfaction at the reliability of the service this year, citing the number of cancelled sailings as a reason as to why they felt they could not progress a marketing strategy.Ìý


Discussion took place in respect of weather restrictions; the mechanical issues faced by the aging vessel and the ways in which cancellations and disruptions to the service are notified in the public forum.




The Committee:


1.    requested that the Area Operations Manager of CalMac take forward the points raised in relation to the reliability of the service, with a view to improving communications in the public forum;

2.    requested that prior to the launch of the 2018 service, a marketing strategy be devised with the Public Relations Manager of CalMac to publicise the service; and

3.    agreed that the item be brought to future meetings of the group for update and discussion.Ìý



Future Administrative Arrangements

Discussion facilitated by Area Committee Manager, Â鶹Ãâ·Ñ°æ and Bute Council


The Committee gave consideration to a verbal update form the Area Committee Manager, who advised that administrative support from the Council’s Governance and Law Service would no longer be provided as indicated at the last meeting.Ìý Discussion took place in respect of the handover arrangements with Councillor Anne Horn agreeing to act as minute secretary for the Committee.Ìý Councillor Horn advised that arrangements would be agreed as and when necessary, should an occasion arise, where she may require to take the Chair in the absence of Councillor Armour.Ìý The Senior Area Committee Assistant agreed to liaise directly with Councillor Horn to provide information on agenda and minute templates, distribution lists and all relevant information pertaining to the administration of the Committee.Ìý Ìý


The Chair thanked the Council’s Governance and Law Department, and in particular Shona Barton, Area Committee Manager, and Lynsey Innis, Senior Area Committee Assistant for their hard work and support over the years.Ìý




Any Other Business


·         The Area Operations Manager of CalMac provided the current Reliability and Punctuality report, which included information on the Ardrossan to Brodick sailings.Ìý The Committee were pleased to note the improved statistics following disruption in the month of June, which was due to technical issues affecting the vessel.Ìý

·         Ewen McDonald requested that a letter be sent to the Transport Minister from the group, outlining their disappointment at the disruption to the service caused by the issues with the Isle of Arran vessel.Ìý The Chair agreed to take this forward.Ìý


Date of Next Meeting


Having noted the new administration arrangements of the Committee, the Chair advised that he would look to set a meeting early in the new year.Ìý He advised that he would consult directly with the Area Operations Manager of CalMac on his availability.