
Agenda and minutes

Campbeltown Ferry Committee - Wednesday, 4 May 2016 1:00 pm

Venue: Room 11 within the Community Centre, Stewart Road, Campbeltown

Contact: Lynsey Innis, Senior Area Committee Assistant; Tel: 01546 604338 

No. Item


Welcome and Apologies


The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and general introductions were made.


Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of:-


Tommy Millar, The Laggan Community Council

Simon Richmond, Caledonian MacBrayne

Colin McCourt, Caledonian MacBrayne


Minute of the Campbeltown Ferry Sub-group meeting held on 3 February 2016 pdf icon PDF 82 KB


The Minute of the Campbeltown Ferry Sub-group meeting held on 3 February 2016 was approved as a true record.


Future Administration of the group pdf icon PDF 67 KB

Report and extract from Mid 鶹Ѱ, Kintyre and the Islands Area Committee, dated 6 April 2016

Additional documents:


The group considered a report which was presented to the Mid 鶹Ѱ, Kintyre and the Islands Area Committee on 6 April 2016 and the subsequent decision of the Area Committee in relation to the future administration of the group.


Brian Gordon of Transport Scotland outlined the consultation arrangements in place for Ferry Committees, and the tier structure for elevating issues to the appropriate Ferry Users Group (FUG) which are chaired by HITRANS. Discussion was had in relation to the geography of the area and the possible Ferry Users Groups that the Ferry Committee could link into. Mr Gordon advised that the group would be best served on the Clyde Ferry Users Group.


Further discussion took place in respect of the frequency of meetings of the Ferry Committee and the representation of Strategic Partners at both the Ferry Committee and Ferry Users Group and to how the newly formed “Ferry Committee” would gain recognition by the Ferry Users Group with Mr Gordon confirming that he would contact HITRANS to advise of the formation of the group. The Area Committee Manager advised of the Council procedure for the appointment of an elected member representative.




The group agreed to:-


1.    note the decision of the Area Committee; and

2.    agreed to rename the group the Campbeltown Ferry Committee



(Ref: Report by Executive Director of Customer 鶹Ѱ, dated 6 April 2016, submitted.)


Draft Constitution pdf icon PDF 126 KB

For updating

Additional documents:


The group gave consideration to the draft constitution which outlined the name, purpose, membership, working arrangements and dissolution of the group. Discussion took place in respect of the membership and working arrangements with the group requesting that the following amendments are made:




Removal of Visit Scotland, Southworth Development, HIE and Transport Scotland


Addition of Harbour Master, Leisure Operator and Independent Traveller


Working Arrangements


To amend item 2 to read “There will be at least 6 meetings per year of the Committee. Additional meetings can be called by the chairperson if there are items of urgency to be dealt with.”


Further discussion took place in respect of agendas and minutes and identifying appropriate representatives from the groupings on the membership lists. The Area Committee Manager agreed to write to the appropriate groupings to seek nominations in this regard.



The group agreed to adopt the draft constitution subject to the amendments outlined above, a copy of which is appended to these Minutes.



(Ref: Draft Constitution, dated 4 May 2016, submitted.)


Explanation of Consultation Process

Discussion facilitated by Transport Scotland and Calmac


Discussion of this item took place under item 4 of this minute.


Date of Next Meeting


The group agreed that the next meeting would take place on or around Wednesday 15 June 2016. The Senior Area Committee Assistant agreed to liaise with Calmac to ascertain their availability on this date and confirm to the group by email.