
Agenda and minutes

Cowal Transport Forum - Wednesday, 26 September 2018 10:00 am

Venue: Timber Pier Building, Dunoon

Contact: Andrea Moir, Senior Area Committee Assistant - 01369 708662 

No. Item




Apologies for absence were intimated by:


Councillor Jim Anderson

Councillor Bobby Good

Councillor Audrey Forrest

Councillor Yvonne McNeilley

George Fiddes, Transport Scotland

Willie Lynch, Dunoon Community Council

Fulton McInnes, Hunter’s Quay Community Council

Graham Revill, Kilmun Community Council

Kevin McIntosh, Â鶹Ãâ·Ñ°æ and Bute Council

Gordon Ross, Western Ferries

Iain Catterwell, Â鶹Ãâ·Ñ°æ Timber Transport Group




No declarations of interest were intimated.


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 124 KB

Cowal Transport Forum – 12th June 2018


The minute of the previous meeting of the Cowal Transport Forum held on the 12th June 2018 was approved as a correct record.




Speeding Issues at Sandbank Road


A representative from Police Scotland was not present at the meeting, therefore no update was provided.




Paul Farrell informed the Group that a speeding survey on Sandbank Road was due to be carried out in the next six weeks and he would report back to the Transport Forum with the findings.





Dunoon to Gourock Ferry Â鶹Ãâ·Ñ°æ


Â鶹Ãâ·Ñ°æ Ferries

Yvonne Hanley from Caledonian MacBrayne provided a statistical breakdown on sailings, passengers numbers and breakdowns for the July and August period for Dunoon, Colintraive and Portavadie.


The Forum held a discussion regarding the tender process, current extension of Â鶹Ãâ·Ñ°æ Ferries contract, future plans and infrastructure challenges.



  1. Ross Moran agreed to circulate statistical information to the Forum.
  2. It was agreed that narrative regarding variables and influences be included with the statistics.
  3. The Forum requested that long term known disruptions be clearly advertised.
  4. The Transport forum agreed to draft a further letter to Transport Scotland along with a formal complaint regarding the lack of response and engagement with the Forum.


Western Ferries

Captain McLundie informed the Group that figures are up on last year particularly over the period covered by Cowal Games and the water ski championships. Cowal Games from a ferry perspective ran smoothly with only one reported incident. Within the last quarter there was one weather disruption due to inclement weather that lasted for four hours.


He also informed the Group that the Linkspan at McInroy’s Point was now completed and work on the Hunter’s Quay linkspan commenced on the 27th August with a completion date scheduled for the end of December 2018. A planning application has been submitted to the National Park to allow construction of overnight berth and crew access, and installation of fenders and bollards at Kilmun Pier. Captain McLundie said that the application included proposals aimed at protecting the pier structure





VMS Update


George Fiddes provided the Group with the following email update:

VMS signs have been installed and are due to be commissioned next month.



  1. Paul Farrell agreed to chase up the VMS timescales with Transport Scotland and will provide an update to the Forum in two weeks’ time.
  2. The location plan of the storage boxes to be recirculated to the forum by Melissa Stewart.





George Fiddes provided the Group with the following email update:


A83 Rest and Be Thankful (£1.8M) Catch pit works – Phases 7 and 9 have been progressed throughout August and are anticipated to be completed in September 2018.  The excavation work in Phases 7 and 9 is almost finished with just the shaping of the final base level left to complete. Once these final excavation works have been carried out, the works will focus on installing the remaining soil nails located on the lower slopes and installing the shotcrete wall in both phases. Finally, for the protection of road users a vehicle restraint system will be installed along the front of the pits prior to fully opening the trunk road to traffic.



  1. Concerns were raised regarding walkers safety due to the ongoing work at Butterbridge and also regarding barriers at the top of the Rest and Be Thankful.Ìý It was agreed to raise both issues with Transport Scotland.
  2. The Cowal Transport Forum will request that the Head of Roads and Amenity Â鶹Ãâ·Ñ°æ include the Safer Roads Foundation survey results at Cairndow on the next A83 Task Force agenda and that Cairndow Community Council are invited to attend.
  3. The Forum agreed to hold a special meeting of the Cowal Transport Forum, in advance of the next scheduled meeting, to discuss all outstanding trunk road issues with George Fiddes or a suitable representative.




Report by Iain Catterwell, Project Officer – Â鶹Ãâ·Ñ°æ Timber Transport Group (To Follow)



Iain Catterwell provided the Forum with the following email update:


Bark at Sandbank


As discussed at the previous meeting Iain has taken up the issue with members of the Timber Transport Forum and the timber haulage community and there are no reported injuries associated with bark loss. It was also raised with the industry's national representative safety body, FISA. (Forest Industry Safety Accord - timber haulage working group) Again no instances of injury through bark from lorries striking members of the public were known.


'Tighnabruaich bypass' timber haulage route

The initial bid involved three landowners and different management companies. Repairs to the road on usage proved difficult to coordinate leading to its unsuitability for use for a time.

The ownership of the three forest blocks has now simplified as has the management of the route. It is understood that the road has undergone significant repair already, and requires some additional work to have it ready for use. There is no firm answer on completion and will continue to follow this up and report.


  1. The Forum requested clarification from the Timber Transport Group regarding the new timber route and what areas of tree felling the lorries using this route will be starting from.
  2. Paul Farrell agreed to look at whether timber transport in the Tighnabruaich area is adhering to the Timber Management Plan in terms of restrictions on the number of lorries per hour on the same stretch of road.





The Environmental Health Officer provided the Forum with the following email update:


The request for noise monitoring of weekend motorbike activity in the Cairndow area to be undertaken by Environmental Health cannot be carried out by this Service as the noise and causes currently being discussed do not fall under any of our statutory functions. We do not have the capacity to carry out non-statutory functions however you could consider engaging a noise consultant to obtain the required readings.


Noise from vehicles on the road cannot be dealt with under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 as a statutory nuisance, nor do we have the legal authority to stop any vehicles, so even if noise measurements were taken by this Service no action would be possible against the individuals responsible, this would be a Police matter.


There are a number of potential actions that can be taken to reduce the impact of noise from motorcycles which include;


1)    Educational campaigns to inform motorcyclists of the impact to neighbours that fast accelerations and speeding has to noise and safety such as posters and signage

2)    Reducing speed limits or provision of traffic calming measures where appropriate

3)    Enforcement campaigns at the roadside that stop individual motorcyclists that are accelerating hard and/or speeding which includes measuring the noise output from their exhausts to identify illegal and/or modified set ups – this would fall to the Police

4)    Individual dwellings installing acoustic fencing to act as a shield to traffic noise (common in inner cities for residential areas next to trunk routes etc)


ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý Outcome

The Cowal Transport Forum agreed to raise this matter with Transport Scotland and contact Police Scotland with a request that they monitor the situation locally.






Helensburgh - Carrick Castle Bus Service


Martin Arnold provided the following update:


SPT have confirmed that they will amend the service 302 (Helensburgh – Carrick Castle) timetable to allow a connection from Glasgow – Lochgoilhead – Carrick Castle. The 1425 departure from Helensburgh will depart ten minutes later (on Saturday and School holidays) to connect with the 926 at the top of the Rest and Be Thankful. This will likely come into effect circa November 2018.



  1. The Forum requested an update from Stephanie McGlynn on the status of plans to put a barrier at the entrance to the bus stop at the top of the Rest and Be Thankful.


  1. The Forum agreed to write to City Link again requesting that they use the turning circle over the winter period emphasising that they is an unmet community demand.



Alexandra Parade Bus


Martin Arnold provided the following update:


Emails have repeatedly been sent to McGill’s commercial and marketing personnel regards the possibility of a reduced fare on the route from Dunoon Ferry Terminal to Hunter’s Quay along Alexandra Parade. Current fare is circa £5.90 – essentially the fare to Gourock minus the ferry ticket cost. Thus far they have seemed receptive to the idea of a reduced ‘local service’ fare although have had no feedback yet on if and when that will actually be introduced. Public Transport will continue to chase this and update the forum when more information is available.



Bus Stops, Toward: Update on Site Visit


Martin Arnold will request an update from Stephanie McGlynn and report back to the Group.




Martin Arnold provided the following update:


Following calls from the Forum to better publicise the Dial-A-Bus, Public Transport will be liaising with the Communications team to put out information on social media and will be looking to produce a flyer for distribution to GP’s surgeries, hospitals, sheltered housing, befrienders groups etc. The Dial-A-Bus will continue to feature in the Cowal area transport booklet.



Fountain Quay Bus Shelter


Martin Arnold provided the following update:


Public Transport have been informed by the Estates department that the proposed bus stop at Fountain Quay cannot be sanctioned as this would negatively affect the sale of Dunclutha. After the sale has concluded then Â鶹Ãâ·Ñ°æ and Bute Council can negotiate the use or sale of the minimal amount of land required for the shelter with the new owner. An update to the Forum will be provided once timescales are confirmed.



Cowal Games Buses


Archie Reid informed the Group that on Cowal Games Saturday, West Coast motors had always run a late bus to Strachur but this year the service did not run. He explained that West Coast Motors had apologised but he would like it raised with them again to ensure this doesn’t happen next year.



Martin Arnold agreed to write to West Coast motors to request that the late bus runs to Strachur next year on Cowal Games Saturday.



482 & 483 Â鶹Ãâ·Ñ°æ: Update from Traffic Commissioner


Martin Arnold provided the following email update:


The bus service looping around Alexandra Parade had minor improvements coming into effect on the 2nd of July. This improvement involved all-but-one of the buses on the service extending from their final stop at Dunoon Ferry Terminal, up Â鶹Ãâ·Ñ°æ Road and Â鶹Ãâ·Ñ°æ Street to West Coast Motors bus garage ‘on service’. This means that passengers travelling in from Alexandra Parade can get transported directly to the main shopping area on Â鶹Ãâ·Ñ°æ Road, rather than making the walk from Dunoon Ferry Terminal.


A general discussion was held regarding the bus stop at Kames.



  1. Paul Farrell to look at yellow lining the bus stop at Kames.
  2. Martin Arnold to move the position or replace the sign at Kames bus stop.
  3. Martin Arnold will ask West Coast motors if they will start using the official bus stop at Kames.





TRO Updates

Dunoon Pier, Rest & Be Thankful and Royal Crescent


Dunoon Pier

The TRO is progressing and the Roads department are currently dealing with any objections that have been lodged.Ìý If they are unable to resolve the issues this will end up being subject of a hearing.


Rest and Be Thankful

The TRO for this is now complete.



Royal Crescent

This area is being monitored by Wardens but nothing further will be progressed until a change in legislation regarding parking on footways is passed.



Parking Restrictions

Bus Bays at Queens Hall; Tudor Team Rooms and Morrisons


Bus Bays at Queens Hall

The Roads department are progressing this as a TRO and are currently dealing with any objections lodged re the parking proposals.Ìý Again, if these cannot be satisfied there will be a hearing.


Tudor Tea Rooms and Morrisons

There is currently a perceived misuse of these bays by touring coaches. An amendment to the existing TRO would be required in order to make the bays enforceable and to ensure usage is by local buses only.



Road Markings

Victoria Road/Hamilton Street; Bencorrum Brae; Wellington Street; and Old Police House, Kilmun


Victoria Road/ Hamilton Street

This area has been completed.


Bencorrum Brae

Still to be completed.


Wellington Street

Lining is complete but traffic order still in progress.


Old Police Houses Kilmun

Paul Farrell will look into this and come back to the group regarding walking space.Ìý His understanding was that the reduction in the marked area was only 100mm.



  1. Paul Farrell to look at putting road markings and signing at Kames Crossroads.
  2. Paul Farrell to let the Forum know when all the newly surface dressed roads will be lined.
  3. Paul Farrell to look at getting signage removed from already dressed roads.
  4. Paul Farrell to look at redoing the walking line for children and the potential for rumble strips at Tighnabruaich primary school.



Speed Surveys: Kirn and Cairndow



Paul Farrell advised that he had not yet re-visited the area at the garden centre as yet to redo the survey but would do so in view of the inclement weather during one of the previous undertaken surveys.



It was noted that a response regarding the recent speed survey would be sent to Cairndow Community Council from Kevin McIntosh.


The Forum also noted ongoing speed surveys at Sandhaven, Cot House Millhouse and that a request would be made for a survey at Colintraive.



Traffic Management in Tighnabruaich, Kames and Millhouse


Michaela Blair, on behalf of Kilfinan Community Council, raised concerns regarding appropriate signage, signs in the wrong place and sight lines being impeded. She requested flashing thirty signs and rumble strips be put in place.



  1. Roads department will visit the sight to look at the signage, an additional repeater sign is also scheduled to be installed.
  2. Paul Farrell will see if any flashing thirty signs are available.
  3. It was agreed that all Community Councils in Cowal will receive email notification of traffic management notices in respect of Dunoon town centre.





Archie Reid, at request of Dunoon Community Council, raised an issue regarding parked vehicles on the paving slabs outside of the Â鶹Ãâ·Ñ°æ Hotel. It was noted that the roads department are aware of this and are currently in the process of resolving the situation.


Michaela Blair asked if there would be sufficient grit supplies for this coming winter. Paul Farrell responded that the Councils winter maintenance programme doesn’t start until November but he didn’t foresee any issues with grit supplies.





Monday 17th December 2018

Monday 18th March 2019


It was agreed that the next meetings of the Cowal Transport Forum would be held on:

·         Monday 17th December 2018

·         Monday 18th March 2019