
Issue - meetings

Bute Community Council

Meeting: 03/09/2019 - Rothesay Common Good Fund (Item 4)

Bute Community Council



The Trustees considered an application from the Bute Community Council and discussion focussed on the request for the funds to be used to provide Christmas lights in Rothesay.




The Trustees agreed;


1.    to continue the item to a future meeting of the Rothesay Common Good Fund to allow the applicant to submit further details on the application;


2.    to invite the applicant to speak to their application at a future meeting Rothesay Common Good Fund; and


3.    to request the Chair of the Bute and Cowal Area Committee invite the applicant to a future Business Day to discuss the plans for Christmas lights in Rothesay.


(Reference: Application by Bute Community Council dated 3 September 2019, submitted)
