
Issue - meetings

Meeting dates for 2017

Meeting: 22/11/2016 - Duchess Wood Local Nature Reserve Committee (Item 9)

9 Meeting dates for 2017 pdf icon PDF 31 KB



The Committee gave consideration to the proposed meeting dates for 2017.




The Committee agreed the meeting dates for 2017 as follows:-


Wednesday, 22 February 2017ΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύ -ΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύ Lomond School

Tuesday, 16 May 2017ΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύ -ΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύ Helensburgh and Lomond Civic Centre

Tuesday,Μύ 22 August 2017ΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύ -ΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύ Lomond School

Tuesday, 21 November 2017 ΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύ -ΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύ Helensburgh and Lomond Civic Centre


The Chair thanked everyone for their attendance and to Johanna Urquhart for hosting the meeting.

