
Issue - meetings

Dunoon Grammar School - French Exchange Trip

Meeting: 04/08/2015 - Dunoon Common Good Fund (Item 4)

Cowal Youth Piping and Drumming Association


Additional documents:


Members considered an application from the Cowal Youth Piping and Drumming Association




Members determined that they were unable to award funds for this application on the grounds that the Dunoon Common Good Fund had insufficient funds available at this point. It was agreed by Members that the Area Committee Manager would contact the Council’s Social Enterprise Development Worker, in order that other potential grant funding which may be available to the Cowal Youth Piping and Drumming Association can be identified.


Members also requested that the Area Committee Manager collate proposals on how the fund could be managed in the future.



Meeting: 06/05/2015 - Dunoon Common Good Fund (Item 2)

Dunoon Grammar School - French Exchange Trip


Additional documents:


Members considered an application from Dunoon Grammar School




Given the apology submitted by Councillor McQueen, the meeting was inquorate and Members noted that they were unable to award funds for this application on the grounds that the Dunoon Common Good Fund had insufficient funds available at this point. It was agreed by Members that the Area Governance Manager look at alternative means of funding for this application and report back to the Members of the Dunoon Common Good Fund, and the applicant.

