
Issue - meetings

Enchanted Forest Proposal

Meeting: 19/05/2015 - Duchess Wood Local Nature Reserve Committee (Item 3)

Fairy Tale Woods Proposal - Update

Update on the Fairy Tale Woods proposal by Robert Bell, West Highland Photography.



The Committee heard an update from Robert Bell, West Highland Photography in which he outlined the issues his Committee had encountered in endeavouring to take forward the Fairy Tale Woods project. Due to this, a decision had been made by hisÌý

Committee to delay the event until October 2016.


Discussion followed and the Duchess Wood Committee outlined several suggestions to assist Mr Bell with progressing the project.




The Committee agreed that Mr Bell would liaise with Johanna Urquhart to re-draft the flyer for local businesses.


That an electronic copy of the draft Business Plan which Mr Bell had tabled at the meeting would be disseminated to the Committee.Ìý


The Chair thanked Robert for his update and requested that the Committee be kept up-to-date with progress and that an update come to the February 2016 Committee meeting.




Meeting: 17/02/2015 - Duchess Wood Local Nature Reserve Committee (Item 6)

Fairy Tale Woods Proposal - Update

Update on the Fairy Tale Woods proposal by Robert Bell, West Highland Photography.



The Committee heard an update from Robert Bell, West Highland Photography ÌýregardingÌý the proposal for a Fairy Tale lighting event ÌýinÌý Duchess Wood.


He reported that things were progressing well and he was meeting with Â鶹Ãâ·Ñ°æ Voluntary Action in regards fund-raising. ÌýA Committee has been formed and this includes – a Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and 2 other Committee Members.Ìý


Discussion followed and Robert Bell confirmed that there would be only 1 entry point to the attraction.Ìý Stewards would be in situ and the lighting company would provide further security.


The Chair thanked Robert Bell for his informative update.




The Committee agreed:-


1              To note the update.

2              That if the event was scheduled to commence in October 2015, then Robert Bell would attend the May Committee meeting with a full Business Plan.








Meeting: 18/11/2014 - Duchess Wood Local Nature Reserve Committee (Item 3)

Enchanted Forest Proposal

Update on a proposal to be outlined by Robert Bell, West Highland Photography.



The Committee gave consideration to a proposal from Robert Bell, West Highland Photography in which he outlined plans to create an attraction in Duchess Wood which would be similar to the existing Enchanted Forest attraction in Pitlochry.


Further discussion followed in regards the commercial aspect of the project and to whom the responsibility of both Health and Safety and Public Liability insurance would be incurred.Ìý Mr Bell clarified that responsibility of both Health and Safety and insurance would hopefully be delegated to a commercial organisation.Ìý He continued that marshals would be in place to supervise the operation and to ensure that no-one got lost or floundered in the Wood and a counting procedure would be instigated to ensure accountability.

He confirmed that if the proposal was agreed, then he anticipated the event would run in October/November and continue for 9 days to include 2 weekends. Access would be during the hours of darkness to maximise the effect of the creative lighting.

Mr Bell continued that ticket sales would be via internet booking with perhaps a local outlet in Helensburgh to enable people to purchase tickets. Mr Macbeth drew attention to the 4 entry points to the Duchess Wood and Mr Bell confirmed that marshals would be in place to collect tickets at these points. He addressed freedom of access issues and clarified that event access would only pertain during the hours of darkness when less people use the Wood. The Chair suggested that a portion of the Wood could be segmented for dog walker’s usage if the project progressed.

Charlie Cairns drew attention to the implication of financial risk and stressed the importance of the Committee over viewing budget figures before making a decision.




The Committee agreed to support the ‘Fairy Tale Woods’ project in principle and requested that Robert Bell attend the Duchess Woods Committee meeting on 17 February 2015 with an update.Ìý The Committee further agreed that Mr Bell would attend the Duchess Woods Committee meeting scheduled for 19 May 2015 to present a full Business Plan for the Committee’s formal consideration.ÌýÌýÌý







