
Issue - meetings

Contact with Schools

Meeting: 18/08/2015 - Duchess Wood Local Nature Reserve Committee (Item 5)

Engagement with Schools/Community




Eileen Kay provided a verbal update on the Outdoor Learning Activities and outlined to the Committee that this would be a 1 page document which would be disseminated to all local schools with a covering email.

This would focus on Web-based resources and would be updated each term, providing information on different opportunities. Information would also include links to various Awards, with relevant information for both primary and secondary schools.


Discussion followed and it was highlighted that Fiona Hughes was back Alastair Macbeth provided an update on outdoor learning undertaken at Rhu Primary School; the pupils had produced a booklet which outlined the fun activities which could be undertaken as part of outdoor learning. Copies of the booklet are available from Rhu Primary school.

The possibility of a photo shoot and the provision of information on the Forest School was raised with the intention to include this on the next FODW Newsletter. In addition, the Principal of Lomond School was asked if there would be a notification on display in the Duchess Wood alerting users to the Outdoor School.

FODW highlighted their many links with the local Community and also national groups/bodies.




The Committee agreed:


1.    To note the update from Eileen Kay.

2.    That Eileen Kay would provide a short summary on the Outdoor Learning Activities to Stewart Campbell for inclusion in the Management Plan.

3.    Johanna Urquhart would liaise with Stewart Campbell regarding awareness raising about the Forest School.Ìý










Meeting: 19/05/2015 - Duchess Wood Local Nature Reserve Committee (Item 4)

4 Engagement with Schools/Community pdf icon PDF 55 KB


Additional documents:


The Committee gave discussion to the proposal submitted by Eileen Kay and it was noted that Friends of Duchess Wood (FODW) would continue to assist and that the FODW website would continue to make available the Educational resource. Eileen Kay would remain as the point of contact for schools in Helensburgh and Lomond.




The Committee agreed:


1.    To accept the proposals regarding the Educational resource pack.

2.    That Eileen Kay and Charlie Cairns would meet to progress these and that the Duchess Wood Committee would receive regular updates.





Meeting: 17/02/2015 - Duchess Wood Local Nature Reserve Committee (Item 4)

Engagement with Schools/Community



The group heard an update from Charlie Cairns in regards to the recent meeting held with local Head Teachers.







Meeting: 18/11/2014 - Duchess Wood Local Nature Reserve Committee (Item 4)

4 Engagement with Schools/Community pdf icon PDF 48 KB



The group considered a report from Eileen Kay, Community Learning and Development which outlined the objectives of the Sub Group and highlighted relevant actions to be undertaken by group members.


Discussion followed and the Committee acknowledged the impact of transportation costs for local primary schools on their already straightened budgets. The Chair emphasised the need to promote Duchess Woods and encourage local schools to use the Woods.

Johanna Urquhart confirmed the need for schools to utilise their local environment and enquired on the possibility of the Wood being mapped for orienteering. Mr Macbeth confirmed that this exercise had already been undertaken by Lomond School.Ìý

David Lewin commented that perhaps the Fairy Tale Woods event could perhaps be a ‘springboard’ for local children to make more use of the Wood.

The Chair put forward the suggestion of a Schools representative on the sub-group but Ms Kay drew attention to the difficulty of teaching staff being released during the school day to attend meetings.ÌýÌýÌý




The Committee agreed:


1.                  That the Sub-group would consider further options and bring these to the nextÌý DuchessÌý Woods meeting scheduled for February 2015Ìý

2.                  That the Chair would make contact with Anne Milne, Head Teacher at Rhu to ask if representatives of Duchess Wood Local Nature Reserve Committee (DWLNRC) could attend a Head Teachers Cluster meeting with a view to determine how best to promote Duchess Wood.



Meeting: 19/08/2014 - Duchess Wood Local Nature Reserve Committee (Item 4)

Engagement with Schools/Community



The Chair welcomed Eileen Kay, Community Learning and Development Worker.Ìý Ms Kay updated the group in terms of the ideas she had to encourage use of the wood and in particular family learning.Ìý Mr Macbeth stressed that the Friends of Duchess Wood would like to work in partnership.Ìý Both Mr Macbeth and Ms Kay agreed that partnership working around the 4 capacities for Curriculum for Excellence was the way forward.Ìý


Further discussion was had in relation to updating the education pack with clearer co-ordination arrangements to be put in place.Ìý Mr Cairns suggested that the pack could be created in such a way that outlying schools with transport issues could use the updated pack from their own location.Ìý


Ms Kay advised that she was happy to become the initial contact for schools as she was conscious of the need for a mutual respect for education and the needs of the wood.Ìý


The Chair suggested that Ms Kay could take ahead small scale projects and provide regular updates to Lynsey Innis, who in turn can issue these to the Committee.Ìý


It was agreed that a sub-group would be set up to predominantly deal with the updating of the education pack.Ìý Eileen Kay, Charlie Cairns and Gemma Peace agreed to sit on the sub-group with members of the Friends of Duchess Wood.Ìý


Lynsey Innis agreed to arrange a diary request for the meeting of the sub-group within the next 6 or 7 weeks.ÌýÌýÌý


It was also agreed that an exploratory meeting between Ms Kay and the Friends of Duchess Wood would take place within the next month.Ìý

