
Issue - meetings

Themed Trail Running Event

Meeting: 19/08/2014 - Duchess Wood Local Nature Reserve Committee (Item 3)

3 Themed Trail Running Event - Saturday 25th October 2014 pdf icon PDF 34 KB

Request by Tri-Events Convenor Gary Collins



The Chair spoke of the request from Tri-Events to host a run through the wood on 25th October. She advised that this would adopt the same style as last year, which had proven to be a success. Mr McCracken confirmed that a pack had been sent to the organiser but had not yet been returned.


The Committee agreed that the stewarding arrangements at the previous event had worked well and the “clear up” after the event was also good.


Mr Macbeth enquired whether it would be possible to charge a fee for the event or whether it would be a donation as per the previous event. The Chair advised that the difficulty in charging a fee was that the Council’s fee structures and related policies would need to be applied.


It was agreed that Lynsey Innis would email the organiser advising that permission had been granted by the Committee to host the event and that the pack should be returned as soon as possible. It was further agreed that the email should suggest that, following the run, the organiser should contact the Friends of Duchess Wood regarding the arrangements for any donations towards the upkeep of the woods.

