
Issue - meetings


Meeting: 13/09/2023 - Oban Lorn & The Isles Area Committee (Item 6)




Question 1 – Duncan Martin


At the March meeting I asked about Short term lets, and Fergus Murray said, I think, that there was a group developing policy in this area. As the deadline for applications arrives, what is that policy? 


Allan Morrison, Regulatory Â鶹Ãâ·Ñ°æ & Building Standards Manager, advised that the Short Term Lets Policy and Legislation is a Scottish Government Scheme that all Local Authorities have no option but to implement the Scheme and discussed the consultation on the current policy which was carried out before the policy was endorsed by Council in September 2022.Ìý He explained it was always the intention to revise the Policy, as the Scheme was implemented quickly. The revised changes to the Policy reflect what has been learnt, the revised Scottish Government Guidance and a letter received from the Scottish Self Caters Association.Ìý The revised short term let policy will be submitted to the Planning, Protective Â鶹Ãâ·Ñ°æ and Licensing Committee (PPSL Committee) on 20th September 2023 with a recommendation that they consider and recommend approval of the revised policy to full Council. The report should be available to the public later this week.


Having been in place for a year, the Council have received 790 licence applications, 158 have been approved and none have been refused at this point.Ìý The service anticipate a large number of applications will shortly be submitted, as the deadline for existing short term let owners to apply for a licence is 1st October 2023.


Question 2 – Duncan Martin


Did the Council consider having a control zone?Ìý


The Council have not set any Planning Control Areas, therefore planning consent is not required before applying for a Short Term Licence, nor will a licence be refused on the basis that the applicant does not have planning consent.Ìý A licence is considered on the basis of representation from Police Scotland, Fire and individuals or communities who are against the application.



Question 3 - Duncan Martin


What are the Grounds for refusal?Ìý


Allan Morrison advised that the grounds for refusal are that the applicant is not a fit and proper person; the property is not suitable and does not meet the standards; and that representations from consultees and public/community cannot be resolved.ÌýÌý Where those apply the application would then go to a Hearing of the PPSL Committee, who would make the final decision to award or refuse the licence.


Question 4 -Ìý Phil Hamerton


How is the Community informed of applications received?


Allan Morrison explained that part of the Licensing process is that a Public Notice should be placed in a conspicuous place by the applicant, which will give the public an indication that an application has been made, providing the public the opportunity to make any representation.


Links to the Short Term Let Policy, the Scottish Government Scheme, and the Public Register of applicants can all be found on the Council Website:- /licences/short-term-lets-licence


Question 5- 8 –Frank Roberts, Oban Community Council


Question 5 - When are the improvements to Gibraltar Street, which were discussed and agreed at the last meeting of the Committee following a second public consultation in November last year, scheduled to be started and when is their completion anticipated?


Hugh O,Neill, Network & Standards Manager, advised that following concerns from the Roads Department regarding lighting and pedestrian access, he will be attending a meeting at Gibraltar Street today to rectify these concerns so that work can proceed as scheduled with effect from 18th September.


Question 6 - When will the installation of CCTV coverage of the car park at Ganavan Sands, first discussed at a site meeting on February 8th and again at the previous meeting of this Area Committee, be scheduled to be started and when completed?


Melissa Stewart, Governance Officer, read out a response received from Roads and Infrastructure, stating that they are looking to progress the installation of the CCTV alongside planned upgrades to the toilet block to install a door access control system.Ìý This had taken longer to get off the ground than expected but the contractor has been mobilised for the first phaseÌý in Lomond area and will move to the OLI area shortly thereafter.


Question 7 - A new parking ticket machine was installed at Ganavan sometime before August 25.Ìý This replaces one which had been damaged and had not been working for a very considerable time.Ìý When will this new machine will be brought into commission?


Hugh O’Neill, Network and Standards Manager, agreed to take that question away and will respond via the Chair as soon as possible.


Question 8 - Are the provisions and regulations included within a Traffic Regulation Order are legally enforceable by the Council?


The Chair advised that the Council can legally enforce provisions and regulations within a Traffic Regulation Order.


Question 9 and 10 – Ross Wilson


Question 9 - When is A&BC holding a Public Meeting to present their draft proposed Harbour Revision Order including Stakeholder and User consultation/advisory structure for the proposed Oban Municipal Harbour?


The Chair advised that at the Harbour Board meeting on 31st August agreed that the draft revision order be passed to Transport Scotland, where it now sits with them to conduct a 42 day consultation period, providing the stakeholders and public with a further opportunity to respond.


Mr Wilson accepted that the Harbour Board met in public, but did not accept there had been a meeting with the public beyond that to discuss the skeleton harbour order and expressed his disappointment that Council Officers had not yet responded to the representations made at that time despite requests to meet over the last 6-9 months.Ìý His view was there had been no consultation on the final order and what was called for was for someone to now stand up and say this is our proposal, what do you all think of it?Ìý


The Chair disagreed with the view expressed stating that there had been ample public consultation with over 1000 people contacted over the course  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6
