
Issue - meetings

Debris from Timber Lorries in Sandbank

Meeting: 20/08/2021 - Cowal Transport Forum (Item 8)

Debris from Timber Lorries in Sandbank



William Sinclair, Sandbank Community Council advised the Forum there had been issues regarding debris from timber lorries in the area.


Iain Catterwell was sympathetic with the situation but stated that in the bigger picture, as discussed with industry bodies, 11 million cubic tonnes equating to 500,000 loads per year were moved and there had been not one incident reported of injury due to debris, and that it was not practical to have curtained vehicles due to the size and nature of the logs.




The Forum;


1.    noted the position;


2.    agreed that Iain Catterwell would remind hauliers of their obligation to sweep debris off empty trailers;


3.    agreed that Iain Catterwell would contact the port to ensure, where possible, no debris is stuck to the wheels/underneath the trailers when leaving the area;


4.    agreed that the Chair would contact Police Scotland to see what the law is around responsibility for debris falling off lorries onto the roads; and


5.    agreed that the Chair, along with local Members, would contact the Roads Department to request that they devote more resources to street cleaning which may alleviate the issue.
