
Issue - meetings

Dunoon Community Development Trust Update – July 2021

Meeting: 17/08/2021 - Bute and Cowal Community Planning Group (Item 5)

5 Dunoon Community Development Trust Update – July 2021 pdf icon PDF 520 KB

Update by Ann Campbell, Dunoon Area Alliance Facilitator



The Group considered an update from Ann Campbell, Dunoon Area Alliance in relation to the Dunoon Community Development Trust which had been set up, by a group of local individuals concerned about the sustainable development of Dunoon and the surrounding area. Ann advised that the Trust will build on the endeavours of Dunoon Area Alliance, while focusing on community lead environmental and sustainability projects.


Confirmation was sought and received that officer bearers would be appointed at an AGM to be organised once membership was at the appropriate level.


Discussion focused on communicating with road and pathways users in relation to clarity around right of use by cyclists and/or pedestrians to ensure mutual respect and understanding. It was noted that the council were in the process of reviewing signage and PI Forrest confirmed he would alert officers to concerns raised and encourage them to engage with and advise cyclists as appropriate.




The Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided.


(Reference: Update by Ann Campbell, Dunoon Area Alliance, dated July 2021, submitted)
