
Issue - meetings

Fyne Futures

Meeting: 17/08/2021 - Bute and Cowal Community Planning Group (Item 7)

7 Fyne Futures pdf icon PDF 442 KB

Update by Reeni Kennedy-Boyle - General Manager, Fyne Futures


Additional documents:


The Group noted an update from Fyne Futures on how their activities are focused on reducing the Isle of Bute carbon footprint through provision of low carbon goods and services.




The Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided.


(Reference: Update by Reenie Kennedy-Boyle - General Manager, Fyne Futures, dated 17 August 2021, submitted)ΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύΜύ
