
Issue - meetings


Meeting: 25/08/2021 - Oban Lorn & the Isles Community Planning Group (Item 5)

5 Opportunity for verbal updates by Community Planning Partners pdf icon PDF 173 KB


Additional documents:


Rockfield Centre


Eleanor MacKinnon was unable to attend but provided an update in her absence which was read out by the Committee Manager as attached to the minute.


Department for Work and Pensions


Lynn Campbell was unable to attend but provided an update in her absence which was read out by the Committee Manager as attached to the minute.


Skills Development Scotland


Susan MacRae advised that careers advisors were back in schools and at the centre in Oban and that officers are working to identify the next cohort of leavers and that a report on their destinations would be submitted to the next meeting.Ìý The Group noted that there will be virtual events held by the Scottish Education Exhibitions which were free sessions aimed at all prospective higher education students.


University Highland and Islands (UHI)


Theresa Bain advised that Â鶹Ãâ·Ñ°æ College had started back for the 2021/22 session with all classes taught remotely other than practical courses, which would be reviewed during the October break.


The Group noted that there was an excellent advertising campaign on certain channels and passed on their compliments to the marketing team at UHI.


There was lengthy discussions held on the lack of accommodation options for students as well as those seeking employment in the area which was a nationwide issue. It was agreed that the housing situation would be taken up with ACHA and West Highland Housing for future discussions.


Crossroads North Â鶹Ãâ·Ñ°æ


Linda Duncan advised that they had been very busy with referrals with 5 in last 10 days and that they had successfully recruited two more members of staff including one based on Mull but they still required more staff, particular male care attendants.


Meeting: 24/08/2021 - Mid Â鶹Ãâ·Ñ°æ, Kintyre and the Islands Area Community Planning Group (Item 4)

Opportunity for verbal updates from Area Community Planning Group Partners



Phil Dickinson, Craignish Community Council


Phil Dickinson advised that, following receipt of moneys from the HIE Community Support and Community Recovery Funds, he had been unaware that any projects using these funds should have been completed by May 2021 and asked if any other organisations had experienced any issues with this. Hazel Fuller noted that she did not believe that Dunadd Community Council had experienced any issues around this but offered to investigate this and discuss with Phil following the meeting if it was of assistance.


Ian Brodie, East Kintyre Community Council


Ian Brodie provided information around a Wellbeing Project that was in the early stages, advising that a full update would be brought to the next meeting of the Group. He confirmed that other projects which had been in progress during the Covid-19 pandemic had been completed and the village hall was slowly beginning to open up, in line with relevant guidance. Ian noted that communications were underway with clubs who had previously used the hall around their expectations, and a questionnaire was being circulated to inform future arrangements.


Meeting: 19/08/2021 - Helensburgh and Lomond Community Planning Group (Item 4)

Opportunity for verbal updates by Area Community Planning Group Partners



Barbara Warren, Grey Matters Active Ageing


Barbara Warren advised that the organisation had been very busy during the pandemic, with lots of online activities taking place. Barbara noted that previous funding from TSI for a co-ordinator had ended in March 2021 and attempts were ongoing to access funding to continue this post.


Barbara advised that the Group faced an issue where some members were ready to return to face-to-face activities and some members remained wary, so the organisation was proceeding with a mix of activities whereby some would take place online and some would take place face-to-face in line with government guidance.


Barbara encouraged any organisations to contact Alison Gildea around volunteering and opportunities to link with other organisations, as many members of Grey Matters Active Ageing were very skilled and looking to get involved with the community. Barbara advised that she would also be grateful for any assistance with identifying funding sources.


Sarah Davies, Fun First


Sarah Davies provided an update on Fun First and noted that the organisation did not usually carry out activities during the Summer holidays, but had run some very successfully attended stay-and-play sessions during this period. Sarah confirmed that daily sessions had resumed in Helensburgh and Garelochhead as schools had returned this week. Sarah noted that some difficulty was being experienced in locating suitable venues as many places remained closed, however they were currently using the Drumfork Centre and Gibson Hall.


Sarah advised that Fun First were hoping to employ some extra leaders, and to appoint a new manager, and encouraged anyone who had any suggestions in relation to this to contact her directly.


Councillor Lorna Douglas


Councillor Douglas provided an update on the Helensburgh Community Hall, noting that the work which had been highlighted at the May meeting of the Group had now been completed. Councillor Douglas advised that the Hall was starting to fill up with community groups using the space, including a new youth group which was scheduled to begin next Friday. Councillor Douglas advised that a new Development Manager had been appointed and was starting in post in September.


Allan Comrie, Strathclyde Partnership for Transport (SPT)


Allan Comrie advised that work was ongoing with cycle schemes from Dumbarton to Helensburgh and Helensburgh to Faslane. Allan noted that issues had arisen with the cycle paths, particularly around land ownership, but the schemes were moving on. Allan advised that SPT were also in discussions with Â鶹Ãâ·Ñ°æ and Bute Council and other partners around proposals for a railway station at Faslane.


Allan provided information around Scottish Government funding for public bus services providing links to vaccine centres, due to the downturn in the use of public transport during the pandemic. Allan also noted that confirmation had been received that young people under 22 would be eligible for free bus travel from January 31st 2022.


Allan advised that rail services were being looked at in detail at a national level, with early proposals being circulated around potential changes to services after May 2022. Allan noted that early proposals did not indicate large changes for the Helensburgh and Lomond area, however it would be for Transport Scotland and the Scottish Government to agree this in due course. Allan noted that ScotRail were also investigating ways to rebuild patronage and confidence in using trains. Allan advisedÌý that concerns from ScotRail aroundÌý difficulties in training drivers could impact services in future if staffing levels were reduced.Ìý


Morevain Martin, Garelochhead Station Trust


Morevain Martin confirmed that Garelochhead Station Trust bus trips had recommenced, with a trip to Skermorlie in June; Inveraray in July; Ayr in August; and a planned trip to East Fortune Aircraft Museum in September. Morevain noted that a new craft group and a new Airfix group were also starting up. Morevain advised that fortnightly brunch clubs with activities were continuing and the Garelochhead Station Trust AGM would take place after the brunch club on the 14th September.


Morevain noted that some of the Trustees had recently visited Nairn Station to see the work that they had carried out on the building in turning it into a Men’s Shed following a takeover of the building by a third sector organisation, and thanked SPT for the free transport to the venue. Morevain confirmed that the Trust had been successful in raising funds to have a septic tank fitted, with the majority of funds coming from the Railway Heritage Trust with support from the Friends of the West Highland Lines as they are hoping to develop the switch room.


Morevain advised that the Trust had been successful in securing Covenant funding for a 12 week course aimed at recent or planned military leavers which would provide them with a variety of advice and support from various organisations, including courses on basic cookery, stress management, and budgeting. Morevain noted that the last week of the course would include advice on how to cook a Christmas dinner, and they would cook Christmas dinner for the rest of the members.


Meeting: 17/08/2021 - Bute and Cowal Community Planning Group (Item 5)

Opportunity for verbal updates by Community Group Planning Partners



Skills Development Scotland (SDS)


Susan MacRae advised that careers advisors were returning to schools to co-inside with the start of the new term. The Group noted that SDS continue to work closely with Department of Work and Pension to support school leavers into employment and that a report on school levers and their destinations would be submitted at the next meeting.
