
Issue - meetings


Meeting: 17/02/2021 - Oban Lorn & the Isles Community Planning Group (Item 6)

Opportunity for general updates from Area Community Planning Group Partners



Police Scotland


Inspector Mark Stephen - Police Scotland advised that they were planning for a busy summer with an influx of visitors expected and they were recruiting for new posts which included posts to manage prisoners in Oban Custody Centre along with two summer secondments.


Discussion focussed on people who were in the area who should not be, due to the current travel restrictions, and it was confirmed that these incidences should be reported to the Police. Inspector Stephen confirmed that he would share the online form that can be used with the Group.


Community Development


Laura MacDonald – Community Development Officer advised the Group that the Supporting Communities Fund was now open for applications and that it would close on 20 March 2021. Laura highlighted that the criteria had changed slightly, with further information available on the website.Ìý She further added that Participation Request training was available, details of which were also available on the website.


Scottish Fire and Rescue Service


John Sweeney - Station Commander advised that there had been an activity drop-off due to the pandemic, with false alarms mainly at industrial premises due to lack of occupation. Mr Sweeney advised that home fire safety visits were still ongoing but they were targeting high and very high risk properties only; campaign for people to reach out to others who live alone and are smokers underway; and that three new members of staff were in post in islands specific locations to support retained and volunteer stations which will include community safety work in those areas.


Meeting: 11/02/2021 - Helensburgh and Lomond Community Planning Group (Item 5)

Opportunity for general verbal updates from Area Community Planning Group Partners



Angela Anderson, Plastic Free Helensburgh


Angela Anderson advised that work was underway to achieve plastic-free status in Helensburgh within the next 12-18 months and noted that businesses and organisations would be approached around this to create a plan going forward. Angela advised that community engagement and beach cleans would also be continuing.


Angela Anderson, Fridays for Futures


Angela advised that a series of debates were being held to engage young people of voting age from each Holyrood parliamentary region who were interested in climate change and the environment. Angela noted that the West of Scotland debate would be held on 19th of February 2021 and that they were also looking for students to devise and pose questions. Angela advised that the link to join was as below and requested that anyone who knew of anyone from the West of Scotland region who may be interested please put them in touch with her:



Kirsty Moyes, Community Development Officer, Â鶹Ãâ·Ñ°æ and Bute Council


Kirsty Moyes, Community Development Officer, advised that the Supporting Communities Fund was now open for applications, with a deadline of the 20th of March 2021. Kirsty confirmed that the application form and information around the criteria for the fund was available on the Council website and assistance was also available from Kirsty and the rest of the Community Development Team.


Duncan MacLachlan, Arrochar and Tarbet Community Development Trust (A&T CDT)


Duncan MacLachlan, A&T CDT, advised that, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Three Villages Hall had been closed. Duncan noted that when the hall was able to re-open in line with restrictions it would be important to encourage organisations to use the space, and where possible to host meetings such as meetings of the Area Community Planning Group, to sustain the operation of the hall for the community. Duncan advised that throughout the pandemic, a team of volunteers were fulfilling required roles and would be happy to respond to any requests or enquiries.


Alasdair MacCuish, Helensburgh Gaelic Group


Alasdair MacCuish, Helensburgh Gaelic Group, advised that the Helensburgh Gaelic Group had been established in 1997. Alasdair noted that the group were in contact with the Council’s Gaelic Development Worker, Cristie Moore, and were hoping to receive funding and resources to encourage Gaelic speakers in the area to use their Gaelic and bring lapsed Gaelic speakers back to fluency. Alastair advised that the group were meeting by Zoom during the pandemic.


Discussion took place around Gaelic learning classes previously offered and Alastair confirmed that although the group usually met on Tuesday afternoons, evening meetings could be made available if there was sufficient interest and funding in place.



Meeting: 02/02/2021 - Bute and Cowal Community Planning Group (Item 6)

Opportunity for general updates from Area Community Planning Group Partners



Police Scotland


PC Laura Evans advised the Group of her work with the Cared for at Home network which was established through partnership working with the council and TSI to help raise awareness of fraud and bogus crimes. These types of crimes have doubled this year and a lot are in relation to scam emails as more people are at home and more isolated and vulnerable and therefore an easy target.Ìý Information is shared via social media but there is a need to look at how to get this to older people.Ìý Police Scotland are sharing alerts with Neighbourhood Watch Scotland who then decimate the information to community councils, who in turn can pass this to care home staff to pass to their clients when speaking to them face to face.Ìý PC Evans stressed that the aim of the project was to raise awareness and not to cause panic and was happy to pass on the information for circulation to the wider group.


Bute Community Council


Robert MacIntyre advised that there is only one boat sailing in and out of Rothesay and there is a possibility of the Colintraive/Rhubodach sailing being reduced to an hourly sailing.
