
Decision details


Decision Maker: Â鶹Ãâ·Ñ°æ and Bute Council

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Council gave consideration to a report providing information on worker accommodation proposals in areas of Â鶹Ãâ·Ñ°æ and Bute to enable essential services to be delivered to our communities and to request Strategic Housing Fund grants to support these proposals. The report confirmed the requirement for the Council to work with partners to improve innovative housing solutions on Coll, Tiree, Mull and in the Lorn area.




The Council –


1.     approved a grant of £100,000 from the Strategic Housing Fund to enable 2 NHS properties on Coll to be brought back into use for HSCP staff delivering health and social care services on the island;


2.     approved a grant of £160,000 from the Strategic Housing Fund to enable a Council owned property on Tiree to be brought back into use for HSCP staff delivering health and social care services on the island;


3.     approved a contingency of up to £250,000 from the Strategic Housing Fund to enable the important first phase of delivering worker accommodation properties at Tobermory on Mull;


4.     approved a grant or loan of £200,000 from the Strategic Housing Fund to enable the refurbishment of an ACHA owned 4 bedroom property in Lorn and enable accommodation for HSCP staff and staff contracted by the HSCP to deliver care to households in the community; and


5.     delegated to the Executive Director with responsibility for Development and Economic Growth, in consultation with the Executive Director with responsibility for Legal and Regulatory Support, the terms and conditions to be attached to any grant and / or loan agreement required as a consequence of this report.


(Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Development and Economic Growth dated February 2024, submitted)


Publication date: 29/02/2024

Date of decision: 22/02/2024

Decided at meeting: 22/02/2024 - Â鶹Ãâ·Ñ°æ and Bute Council

Accompanying Documents: