
Application to use street or pavement space for display

Are you acting on behalf of the applicant?
Select "No" if you are applying on your own behalf or on behalf of a business that you work for.
Applicant Details
Full Name
Applicant Business
Is your business registered in the UK with Companies House?
Business Address
Type of Application
Premises for which Permission is Required
Is the Premises Address the same as the Business Address?
Premises Address
Are contact details the same as above?
e.g. flower shop, fruit and veg shop, bookshop
What do you want to place on the pavement?
Check for local guidance notes which may clarify what is permitted in your area and give detailed requirements – many
local authorities do not authorise shop front displays and/or “A” boards on the pavement or footway.
Public Liability insurance
You must have a suitable level of public liability insurance to cover this activity – check local requirements.
Do you have public liability insurance?
Additional Details
Provide any additional information which is required or relevant to your application (check for local guidance notes and
conditions which may provide details of specific requirements in your area)
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