
Useful Information for Supporting Documents - Short Term Lets

Helpful information of Short term Lets Supporting Documents.

Plans and drawings

You must submit with your application:

  1. A location plan that identifies the property in relation to neighbouring properties/identifiable landmarks. This can be combined with the site plan requirements in point 2
  2. A site plan of sufficient scale to show the short-term let accommodation and any associated gardens, grounds or amenities provided for the use of guests. This plan must identify the car parking allocated for the use of guests.
    There is no need for professional plans provided that submitted plan (hand-drawn or computer generated) are sufficient in detail to support the application.
  3. A plan of the accommodation ideally at scale 1:50 and which shows:
  • Room dimensions of habitable rooms (living rooms, kitchens and bedrooms).
  • Sleeping accommodation (the location of beds, bed-settees etc.).
  • Fire escape routes, clearly indicating any steps, stairs, ramps or lifts.
  • The location of smoke and heat detectors/alarms.
  • If there are combustion appliances in the premises, the position of carbon monoxide alarms.

Portable appliance testing

Information on portable appliance testing can be found on HSE’s website at .

You must arrange for a competent person to:

(a) produce a Portable Appliance Testing Report on moveable appliances to which a guest has access; and

(b) date-label and sign all moveable appliances which have been inspected.

A copy of the Portable Appliance Testing Report must be submitted with your application.

Spa pool risk assessments and written scheme of control

Hot tubs and spa pools can be the source of outbreaks of Legionnaires’ disease, which can be fatal. It is a legal requirement under the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 that this risk is prevented.

The Council has published a guidance leaflet for operators of spa pools in holiday accommodation. This explains your duties in more details and provides advice on the safe operation of spa pools.

HSE have also published guidance at .

The law requires you to have conducted a risk assessment and produced a written scheme of control for the spa pool.

The self-assessment form can be used as a risk assessment and written scheme of control if you haven’t already completed one. This will help you identify any steps you need to take to improve control of your hot tub. You may have to carry out work to meet the standards set out in guidance.

We also provide a model record sheet for routine monitoring and other checks.

A copy of your risk assessment and written scheme of control must be submitted with your application.


Bather safety for swimming pools and swimming ponds

This condition applies to swimming pools and swimming ponds. A swimming pond is an outdoor body of untreated water in natural ground which has been excavated or modified to provide a facility for swimming. It does not include natural watercourses, fresh-water lochs or coastal waters which are not maintained as a swimming facility.

HSE have published guidance on the safe operation of swimming pools at .

The  produce detailed guidance on swimming pool water quality and treatment. HSE recognises their guidance as a useful resource for pool operators when drawing up their operating procedures. Enforcing authorities (HSE and local authorities) consider this guidance as the standard to be achieved in effectively managed swimming pools.

A pool safety operating plan must be developed and implemented. This plan includes the normal operating procedures and emergency action plan for the site. The plan must be developed with regard to HSE publication .

Short-term let accommodation is typically unstaffed so there will not be any trained lifeguards on site. Therefore a bather safety plan must be developed on a site-specific basis. The bather safety plan shall include measures to minimise the risk of bathers getting into difficulty, to facilitate the rescue of bathers in difficulty and to call for the assistance of emergency services where necessary.

A copy of the pool safety operating plan and the bather safety plan must be submitted with your application.

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